
Total Value: 16,395 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Lift Messenger Bag
Native American Turquoise Beaded Bracelet
Native American Turquoise Beaded Bracelet
Marine Neck Ribbon
Aqua Ruffled Ribbon Tie Top
Blue Grecian Sandals
Neutral Starter Glam Guy Trousers
Alchemyst Book (Signed)
Wizard's Wand

Total Value: 9,826 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Ruby Beach Sandals
Spirited 2k7 Puff Vest
Roco Rochel Costume Bracelet
White Shirt
Cool Starter Glam Guy Trousers
Wizard's Wand

Total Value: 9,935 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Wizard's Wand
Black Beatnik Sandals
Brownie Basic Shirt
Cool Basic Skirt

Total Value: 17,209 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Wizard's Wand
Flashion Blue Shoes
#0000FF Complex Pants
Anti-Fashion Blue Anti-Accessory
Anti-Fashion Aqua Hoony Tee

Total Value: 43,159 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Wizard's Wand
Ardent Eloquent Boots
Embroidered Brown Jeans
Ardent Eloquent Tunic

Total Value: 27,674 Gold, 2,500 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Spirit Falcon
Blue Stockings
Large Silver Buckle Belt
Wizard's Wand
Black Beatnik Sandals
Gold Mountain Uniform Pants
Ash Hot Top
Fresh Taj Jacket
Plus, and I'm not that great at the guys, I have a reason for these.
Cedric Diggory

Total Value: 51,121 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Enchanted Book 2nd Gen.
Syaoran's Goggles
Blue Workjeans
Brown Striped Shirt
Feet Wraps
Hand Wraps
First Appearance

Total Value: 307,655 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Feet Wraps
Hand Wraps
Brown Sleeveless Rough Top
Rough Blue Jeans
Wind Security Blanket
Scar Of Duelist
Red Tribal Head Tattoo
Brown Tribal Head Tattoo
Gold Tribal Head Tattoo
I'll explain what happened. A mysterious man found his dead body after his parents buried him and reversed a killing curse to bring him back. But after hearing that Voldemort knew exactly where and who he was, and after Cedric had so kindly warned him that he was in danger, the man threw him out of his lodging and he spent the storm (about a week before) in one of the alleys around Hogwarts. McGonagall found him and Dumbledore took care of him. That was the Monday that school started. So when the students file into the building, he's outside trying to clean Cedric up enough to come inside. Cedric's shaken and scarred, but his friendship with Harry only grows through experience. He has to sit out of some classes for a while and spends a lot of the day and the night in the hospital wing, but he and the way he acts convinces most that with time, he'll be alright.
BTW, if you saw the last thing, sorry! IDK what happened.