There was some fluid in his lungs, so he was re-admitted to the hospital yesterday. We were planning on the fluid being removed sometime today. Worst case scenario, the bar would need to come out of his chest.
Today, his doctor told us that she didn't want to remove the fluid because he was actually looking a ton better and she didn't want to risk any complications. So he'll be in the hospital until at least tomorrow, when they'll take another blood count. His white blood cell count was a little high, which meant his body was fighting something off. They've had him on antibiotics to help fight it.
He also keeps breaking out in hives, which he's done since last Saturday. But what doesn't make sense is that he has never done it before and he had no reactions during his first stay at the hospital, so it wasn't the medicine he was on. The nurses are saying that, most likely, it's just his body reacting to the stress. That's what I had thought, too.
EDIT: He's coming home today! We just found out. <3
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