Hey there! Since some of you guys might have wanted to
know a little more about me, here it is!
My name is Schesza Molly Kathleen Von Steinhausen. I've
gone by Molly since I was born on Thursday, November 16,
1991. I am sixteen years old, 5'7 and 132 pounds. My grandmother took one look at me and said, "Well
hello there, Molly." I was born in Glendale, California, which
is pretty much a suburb of Los Angeles. I was three weeks
early, weighing about six and a half pounds. My mother was
nineteen years old and had gotten married to my father when
she was six months pregnant with me. However, that marriage
didn't last long at all and my parents divorced when I was still
an infant.
I am the second-oldest girl in my family. I have three brothers
and three sisters, including one sister-in-law. My eldest
brother, Max, is three and a half years older than me, as is his
wife, Jacqueline, my sister-in-law. My younger sister, Sara, is
five years younger than me, and Hope, my youngest sister, is
nine years younger. Zane is thirteen years younger and Liam is
sixteen years younger. None of my siblings share a father, so
all of us are half-sibs.
After the divorce, my mom and dad lost custody of my brother
and I and we were sent to live with our maternal grandmother
and grandfather in an apartment in Burbank, California. We
lived there until I was five and Max was eight and a half. I
don't remember seeing my mother very often during that time
because she was struggling with a cocaine problem. She
became pregnant with Sara during her addiction, causing Sara
to be born prematurely and with severe lung problems. Mom
returned to us after Sara's birth, and after she had learned to
control her addiction. We moved from Burbank to San Diego
when I was six because the neighborhood was so bad.
Once in San Diego, we settled into a pink house (no, I'm not
kidding). I gave my mother my bed because she didn't have
one. To this day, I still miss that house. I hated the color
though. Sheesh.
Okay, I started kindergarten around that time. There I met a
few people I'm still close to, even ten years later. Damn I feel
old now. Ahem. . . Anyway, I spent most of that year
screaming my head off and beating the living s**t out of
everyone. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and given
tranqulizers. I still have a bottle of it somewhere. As it turned
out, I was seriously misdiagnosed and was drugged over and
over again until I didn't have any emotions anymore. It was
finally settled when I was around 14 years old. I ended up
getting the diagnosis of Asperger's Disorder, which is pretty
much a milder form of autism.
I would like to blank out the rest of my childhood here. It's
simply too tragic. So I will cut out everything from the age of
five on to now.
A year ago, I got engaged. My fiance is still in California. I
plan to return there after graduating college to get married.
Jew-bacca · Sat Jun 21, 2008 @ 07:36am · 0 Comments |