+ site feedback forum
+ gaia community discussion forum
+ questions and assistance forum
+ art cafe guild
+ site feedback regulars guild
+ towns
+ my guide
i am always posting in the art cafe guild if i am on gaia, it's where most of my friends are. we don't always talk about art, we talk about EVERYTHING in there.
i tend to frequent the forums that have the most to do with gaia itself. i post other places too like fashion and style, but i usually talk about those things on other websites.
i take many trips into towns, perhaps you have seen me there. i meet a lot of people there and i can't always remember who i talk to, i'm sorry if i forgot you. in towns i meet a lot of noobs who annoy me but bring many LULZ, which get posted in the art cafe guild for all to laugh at.
i also spend a lot of time working on my "avoid getting hacked guide", i do my best to stay on top of all the latest scams and tricks employed by hackers. i have read every single post in there and i do my best to respond to every question posted. i check it a couple times a day usually.