So my insomnia was getting better, and i thought it might have actually left altogether for a couple nights there, but last night it hit me hard -_-; i couldn't sleep until ... god i don't even know... i was after 3 i know ... the sun was rising ... wait i remember seeing 3:30 on the clock ... and then ... yeah, it was almost 4 the last time i check my clock and that was probably a good half hour or hour before i feel asleep. man it sucked!
i made myself get up early this morning though (7ish), and i'm hoping that i can hold out the day without a nap and thus kick start myself onto a better sleeping schedule.
casey's about to start her extern (on monday), and has to get up at 5am o.o i was going to start getting up at 5:30/6ish like i did last summer (i rather liked it, mostly cuz i got to nap through the hottest part of the day and still have mornings and evenings). so ... while 5 is a bit much o.o' i think i'll try to at least be up by 6/6:30 starting next week, and work my way up so that we can have breakfast together.
besides, she hates sleeping alone, and i'm too easily tempted/forgetful to go to bed at a deseant hour on my own, so *shrug* if i'm going to bed at 8:30/9ish with her, i may as well get up early too, right?
i'm feeling pretty shitty right now XP but i'm hoping a little lunch and a bunch of water will perk me up. then i'll do some chores to stay awake, and hopefully by then it'll be late enough that i can start working on dinner.
i guess i could try and take a nap after lunch ... say from about 12:30-2ish, but afraid i'll just keep on sleeping and screw myself up again. ... maybe if i set multiple alarms and sleep on the other side of the room so i have to get up to turn it off. ... i'll try it.
but first, LUNCH biggrin
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