Diamond walked through the passage ways and got to the public baths where she saw Vincent dressing, the bath water was red with blood. “What happened here?” she asked Vincent and picked up a severed arm before tossing it aside.
“One of them touched my sword.” He said without looking up at Diamond while he got dressed.
“Violent much?” Diamond sighed and walked carefully around the bath to where he was.
“You don’t have much room to talkl; Miss ‘kill the guy who serves hot Dah-‘” He was clocked by Diamond, effectively cutting him off.
“He was hitting on me and he was fat.” She defended herself “It was creepy.” She shuddered at the very thought of that fat guy.
“Have you seen Michael,” Vincent changed the subject and looked at the knife “Why are you holding a bloody knife?” He tilted his head.
“Yes, and I killed an Incubus.” She answered both questions in one fell swoop.
“Why, because he said hello?” Vincent asked and was punched by Diamond again.
“Let’s just get Izazu and meet up with Michael.” She changed the subject. There was a loud rumbling sound outside which indicated Bishop was transforming into a giant bat but Diamond disregarded it figuring it was nothing important. Diamond walked on and went through a door in order to find Izazu. A few hallways and a comically slippery flight of stairs later, they found him sleeping in the middle of many succubae, some of them no longer in their sexy nurse outfits. Diamond sighed and kicked Izazu in the head to wake him up “Hey, Izazu.” She checked to see if he had a concussion as he blinked and held his head.
“Hey Diamond.” He groaned holding his head and the succubus clinging to him stirred.
“Izy…” she said still half asleep and kissed him affectionately.
“Izy?” Diamond asked him, she was tapping her foot.
Izazu laughed sheepishly “Yeah, about that.” He started it off.
Diamond sighed “Never mind, just get dressed and let’s go.” She told him and turned around so Izazu could dress in piece. After Izazu got dressed, he earned the ‘tapping that’ achievement for spanking all of the succubae in the room (It was worth 30 gamer points). They set off to meet up with Michael.
Michael was walking back to the windmill after defeating the bat, Nirvana turned into a Bo Staff which he was using as a walking stick. The bat had eaten his coat which had his guns in their holsters during the battle, so Michael was cold and pretty much screwed if he got into a long range fight right now. Michael decided to take his vest off because he looked like a loser with it on without his jacket. Michael made it back to the room and saw both Rose and Trish waiting on the bed
“Didn’t think you’d make it.” Trish said honestly.
“Thanks for the vote of confidence.” Michael sighed; he might not have come back in such a hurry if he knew the popular opinion was against his continued existence.
“But, tha…. Tha” Trish was having trouble with the next part “You know, about saving my life tha----- ah dammit” She grumbled and mustered up all of her energy for one last attempt “THANK YOU!” she yelled clenching her eyes shut.
Michael was silent for a moment before a smile broke out across his face and then he burst out laughing “You need practice?” he asked her still laughing.
“Shut up!” she whined and then crossed her arms before turning away in a huff. Rose laughed and shook her head.
Diamond, Vincent, and Izazu came in and saw the scene “Do I want to know what happened to you?” She asked and raised an eyebrow. Diamond put her hands on her hips and impatiently waited for Michael to stop his laughing that now became a giggling.
Michael stopped giggling and calmed enough to tell them “I got into a fight with a giant demon bat.” He said, only now realizing how fantastic it sounded even in hell “Like he was a dude at first, but then he wasn’t a dude he was a bat!” he began waving his arms like it would make them believe him more, it didn’t. He saw their incredulous looks except for Izazu, who was excited about it, “I’m telling the truth.” Michael tried to convince them “Trish, you saw it back me up.” He turned to her.
“Don’t know what he’s talking about.” Trish shrugged, having her revenge for Michael laughing at her, revenge wasn’t always best served cold.
“Et Tu, Trish?” Michael knelt over like he was stabbed in the gut.
Rose was happy to burst Trish’s bubble by speaking up “He fought an Incubus known as Bishop, the energy core he used could have turned him into a bat if enough bat demons were absorbed.” She did that for the sole pleasure of screwing Trish over.
“Someone needs to --”Diamond covered Izazu’s mouth before he could finish.
“No spanking.” She admonished Izazu.
“Just a little spanking?” He asked hoping Diamond would budge on the issue.
“No, spanking.” She stood firm on the spanking issue.
“Fine.” Izazu sighed; he guessed he wouldn’t be getting those achievement points now. (Which would have been worth another 5 gamer points by the way)
Rose laughed at the exchange and drew Diamond’s attention “Who are you anyways?” she asked imprudently.
“My title is ‘Black Rose Maiden’.” She introduced herself “Though you can call me Rose, I would curtsy but that would look stupid.” She laughed and killed the tumble weed that resulted from the silence.
Trish revealed the portal and pulled a mirror down to reveal a reflecting pool behind it. “You’re welcome.” She said when Michael closed it without thanking her.
“Let’s move out.” Diamond said and headed for the pool with the others.
“Wait!” Rose called after them despite there was less than five feet between them. She laughed sheepishly “Take me with you.” She told them, rather than requested of them.
Vincent sighed "Why?" he asked, at this rate it felt like every demon in hell would be following them.
“My mo-, Selene is still alive and I want to find her.”Rose said lowering her head and then looked back up “I figured it would be better to go with you than waiting.” She shrugged and laughed.
Michael motioned for Rose to come along “I’m coming too!” Trish announced.
Diamond sighed “Do we look like some kind of clan for Christ sakes?” she asked no one in particular, but mainly the two succubae (if that makes sense )
“Our ship would be named Tortellini.” Izazu was day dreaming and the others looked at him strangely.
“Moving on.” Diamond said after the pause “How do we know we can trust you?” she asked Trish.
“What about Rose? How can you trust her?” Trish tried to shift focus to Rose
“She never tried to kill me.” Michael pointed out.
“Touche.” She tapped her foot, wondering what to do “I’ll make you a new coat!” she said in a flash of inspiration.
“Deal!” Michael said before Diamond or Vincent could respond with a logical objection.
“Turn around.” Trish motioned and the pressed her body against Michael’s back and she locked her fingers with his. Her hands became leather biker gloves with metal plates on their backs. Her dress opened up and wrapped around him, becoming a black leather coat and a black leather vest, her skin becoming chain mail under his coat and vest to protect him. Her long red hair became a vibrant crimson back mounted scabbard for Nirvana. “See, aren’t I warm and snug?” her voice asked Michael.
“Very.” He agreed, it seemed like Trish was warm no matter what.
“Now that that’s settled, can we get moving?” Vincent asked, and with that they left the circle of lust.

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