Back then s**t was great, sure we encountered some rough spots but it just seemed easier. then we became more intamate and it only became harder to deal with those problems that once seemed like something i could just brush off. i simply couldn't do that any more...... it just hurt to much. the main reason im not looking at any one else the way you look at others is because that would make our situation so much more complicated and if you felt the way i do i think our relationship would dramatically change it would just wither and die and i don't want to happen ^.^ i love you with everything i have. i told you that if it ever came down to it i would lay down my life for you with out a secound thought. so staying away from girls for a bit is nothing. tho it can be a bit hard when nicole calls you up asking for some. No worries in as loyal as a dog
в тенях те я ждите до нашего agin влюбленностей раз светит….если оно всегда светит
yup thats in a diffrent language cuz i don't want you know what it means ha ha ha