The clock read precisely 3:31 AM.
All seemed right with world, especially to Lee who was nestled deep within her fuzzy warm comforter. Clutched in her hand was ‘Snooky’, her face pressed deep within the canary yellow pillow, all was well…
Her eyes flew open! Throwing back the comforter and releasing ‘Snooky’, she jumped out of bed running to bathroom, her hands clamped tight over her mouth.
Oddly enough, she wasn’t the only one.
At the same time each at their own house, both Maddie and Tia where racing from their own beds and into their bathrooms.
The clock struck 3:32 AM.
“Lee, c’mon dear, I know you’re not feeling well, but at least make an effort to sit up while you talk babble. That’s a good girl!” Reaching over to the bedside table, the woman took hold of a still full bowl of chicken noodle soup and sighed.
“…Nothing. Not even a nibble, dear?”
Looking up as slowly as possible, Lee met her mother’s eyes and shook her head.
“Honey, please, I can’t understand a word you say when you-Oh goodness! Quick! In the bucket now!”
Around the corner and down a few blocks Tia sat stationed by the toilet, her face colored a light shade of strained peas. And down at Maddie’s, where one normally has to fight their way to gain access to the bathroom, Maddie found that she was lucky to claim it all her own; every hour, on the hour.
What had caused this sudden coincidental need to puke? Neither friend knew, nor for that matter, did they even know the others had it. For them to know this they would have had to try to communicate with one and other. And as neither could muster the energy to reach a phone, or much less spend time talking, for that would require them to open their mouths, they remained ignorant and very much still sick.
Yet, little did these three friends know, that their sudden illness was indeed something much more than a simple virus. For if they could see within, they would see that among their bodies inner system, changes were taking place. Fascinating changes, such as cells splitting apart from their bounded brethren, circulating throughout their systems. In secret, new bounds were forming; blood was pumping alarmingly fast; tissues and muscles stretching, expanding, pulling…
Time weaves an uncertain tale, but sooner or later...it will happen soon.
-- Far away....
The moon hung full in the night sky, one lone figure standing on the grassy fields below, her hands perched atop her hips. Gazing, as though trapped in her own thoughts, the stars twinkled unnoticed in her dazed green eyes. A rustle of the tree beside the young woman broke her from her imprisoning thoughts. “What the hell?! Oh,—just a damn squirrel.”
“Yo! Kari! C’mon, get a move on already! We need help carrying this crap, you know!” A loud gruff voice called out from behind her. A large man came huffing up the hill, his large build shadowing everything in his wake; a large set of lights placed a ways behind him.
“Yes, I know. Keep your shirt on." Taking one last look at the moon, Kari turned round heading for the man and the lights. Once they reached the set of blinding lights, they were surrounded by a hurrying mass of people. All of whom were uniquely dressed in long flowing gowns, or in dark, metallic armor. These strangely attired individuals carried on with their laboring, seemingly content pushing large wooden carts, loading equally large crates with various props and decorations, even in herding unwilling animals into spacious carts on wheels. Just beyond them stood a large tent, its unattended flaps fluttering aimlessly in the night's wind.
Kari bent down, plucking a tall pointed hat off from the ground. Atop the hat cascaded a long, flowing piece of shimmering silk. Thumbing it gently, touching it as though it could break at any moment, Kari stared at the hat fondly. As her gaze broke from the hat, she brought her look upon the scurrying mass and the tent that stood towering behind them. She smiled, placed the hat into a passing cart and walked among the busy crowd, offering her hand every now-and-then.
They worked a few hours more, loading carts and crates into large, brightly colored wagons, each bearing the same sign:
Clamboring into the heavily loaded wagons, the large group rode off into the dark night. Kari, lying atop one of the wagons, watched the stars as the passed, her mind immersed once again in thought. "It will happen soon...mmm.." She said to one else but the stars above.
Miles away from the towering tent and blinding lights, there laid a child, whose large almond shaped eyes were set gently closed. Her chest heaving steadily, breathing to the rhythm of a deep sleep.
“Hana?” A voice called; a head appeared from around a large tee. “Where-Oh! There you are!” Tip-toeing towards the child, the woman scooped the small girl into her arms, carrying her towards a man holding a baby; a young boy standing beside him. The man looked at the woman, his eyes carefully watching her every move, as though memorizing them. They walked together in a content silence, the young boy between them yawning through his small hand.
The couple and their children moments later entered their small home, which lied nestled among a small forest of trees and many flowers. The boy, now asleep, was tucked warmly into his bed, his sister, a few doors down, recieved the same. The baby lied peacefully in his mother's arms. More or less, this left the couple alone together, at last. As they exchanged private looks and flirtaious gestures, the woman's mind would return to a tugging thought, one she had been harping on for days on end. "It will happen soon." She thought once again, knowing, and yet not knowing of what lied ahead. But, whatever was coming, could wait, this she knew. Tonight she would not let the thought linger...
WHIIRRR FOOoooommmm....
"Doctor, are you still awake?" A sweet voice asked, a girl came towards a dark figure staring vigilantly at a large screen cut into multiple little ones, each one showing fuzz, all except that is, for three.
"Of course I am." The shadowed figure replied.
"Well," The sweet voice began, while she placed a large tray of tea onto the side of the long desk where the figure sat. " Do remember to turn off your televisions before you go to bed Doctor!" She bowed gracefully, then skipped away into the darkness.
The Doctor reached for the tray and dragged it towards him, then taking a cup of tea, he brought it to his lips, still watching the three screens. Loud retching noises emmiting from their speakers.
"It will happen soon." He said hoarsly, his mirrored eyes set unblinking at the screens.
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