We previously find twins Riley and Curtis Andrews waking up late for school and missing the bus, once again...After taking a "shortcut" to get to school, the boys come across a suspicious dark alley-way, but continue none the less. As the boys walk down the slanted, dark alley way dodging what they thought to be pot-holes, to find one of their holes was a deep passage way to a room with a flickering light. We now join the two unconcious teens as they wake up to find their fate...
Riley's eye's slowly slid open as he came to conceniousness to find he was in a room by himself. He stood up and walked over to one side of the room to find what lookded like one of those two way mirrors that you see in police interigations in movies and on t.v. RIley couriously walked up to the glass and tapped it. After no response RIley began to explore the small room more, searching for a door under the dim lighting. He moved to the next wall to find it a glass wall showing the contents of the other room. he noticed someone laying on the floor in the corner and quickly noticed it was Curtis. He banged on the glass hard, but got no response. He tapped harder on the glass but soon stopped, noticing that his attmepts were uselss. It also didn't hurt any that a voice came from a hidden speaker from in the room; which Riley guessed was from behind the two way mirror; saying, "It's useless boy, your friend cannot hear you. That's 4 feet of thick glass between you two. He's deaf to your cries."
The voice was cold and emotionless, yet Riley couldn't help the feeliing of deja vu from the sound of the voice. He had heard it someplace before, he was sure of it.
"Who are you?" Riley asked.
The voice sounded over the speakers again.
"My name is Doctor Albert Papercut. I'm a head scientist working for SGE CORP. I am one of the few scientists today who deals with both human genetics, DNA changes and techonological advances in the two subjects. You may of heard of me...in fact it would be extremely odd if you hadn't heard of me at some point in your ever so wonderful lifetime."he said with a big hint of sarcasism,"MY studies were a excellant hit in the science world a little over two years ago...in fact i was even studied in school by annoying little children..."
"I thought i recoginized your voice! i watched a move about you in middle school once....prolly one of the most boreing thing's i've ever seen in my life!..."Riley interupted.
Doctor Papercut cleared his throat and continued as if he hadn't heard Riley's ever so nice comment..."I recently discovered a new energy source which i have called "ECO". A brilliant discovery which i am quite proud of, but unfourtnally for me it was considering laughable by my collagues at SGE CORP for wanting to test the source out on humans after seeing what it was capable of. It was tested on lab mice first...and failed the test...then more mice....then rats and after countless experiaments not one single test passed! desperate for success i resided within the lab for weeks all alone trying to find out what went wrong! Finally success! i had fixed the problem! Excited as i was i wasn't about to test it on more rodents....i found that was one of the main problems to begin with! I rushed to headquarters and begged for approval of a human test subject...but i was denied! and baished from SGE CORP for threatening Mr. Maxell...the head of the company....so i had no other choice but to move my experimantations to a secluded area so i could continue with my research in privacy. Two years have passed and i am now ready for a test subject...and THAT WHERE YOU COME IN!!!" he laughed evily, making sure to yell the last part of his sentence noticing that Riley wasn't paying much attention throughout his speech and instead looking for a door and form time to time watching his twin in the other room.
Riley looked straight at the two way mirror, "What do you mean where i come in? you can seriously think about testing anything out on me....that's illegal and you'll be caught for sure." he said with a note of confidence.
Dr. Papercut merely laughed, " you really think that after finding the perfect test subjects and after years of research, that's i'd give up a chance like this?"
"psh..what makes me so perfect ,eh?"
"Not just you....there are two ECO's i have discovered...light..and dark..they work as ying and yang...one can't function without the other."
Riley could hear the excitement and huge grin in the loopy Doctor's voice.
"I must have two identical hosts for this experiament...two perfect blood types...two prefect mirrors of each other...." he paused...
"you mean....."
"yeeeeesssss.... i do..."
Riley felt panic fill his stomach as he gulped and wispered under his breath..."twins.."
The doctor laughed once again as most villians do when they have the upper hand in the story.
"not just any twins either...and i should be thanking you for saving me the trouble of looking for you two."
There was a loud noise that echoed though the room and a slot slid open barely big enough for Riley to fit his head though. Riley glanced over at his twin and saw him still passed out in the corner as he noticed his twin's confinment room also had a new hole in the wall....only to Riley's horror, a light blueish ooze was comeing from it and seeping onto the floor. Riley looked down at the floor to notice that his room too was filling with ooze...only his ooze was black. he watched helplessly as the two rooms filled with the cold rising and seeping from the holes while the crazy doctor stood and watched...laughing from time to time.Soon the rooms were almost full with the strange ooze. Riley looked over to see Curtis was fully beneath the ooze as his room was almost entirely filled up. Riley's room was almost full too as he started to have to swim to the top to be able to keep his head above the ooze line. Eventually the brim got too close to the cieling and there was no where else to go. Just before Riley felt himself slip under the ooze and into unconciousness yet again, he heard over the speaker system once again, Dr. Papercut's villianious voice laughing saying " AT LAST! PROJECT MIRA IS COMPLETE!!"
And then there was darkness and Riley joined his twin in helplessness under 8 feet of cold, thick ECO...
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Dark Eco and Twin Powers : TOP SECRET FILE
YOU ARE NOW ENTERING A TOP SECRET FILE : this is where you get to jump into the mind of Agent Stapler, a teen superhero who shares energy powers with his twin brother, Agent Rubberband.
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