Gender: Male
Race: Human-pre Hell, 90% demon post.
Appearance: While in his armor he has a white visor where his face is. His back has multiple spines on it, that are concentrated amounts of Black Fire.(See avi imaged below for what the armor looks like
When he is undercover, he can concentrate the armor into a single black plate on his spine. His normal human form is a male of around 5'8, with white hair. His eyes are a dull red due to his now demonic nature.
Weapon: Black Fire, he can mold it to be his armor, sword, fireball, or solid (non-chain) weapon. His whole body is covered in Dark Fire stone, but his face has a black glass screen helmet.
Power: He has a suit that can control the stone Black Fire. He can gain greater control over the black fire due to his now demonic heritage. And assume the form of his new blood.
Black Fire is a fire that is black (instead of fire-y), and is powered by dark energy. It is the hottest thing in the universe. The black fire Aodhfin uses has been cooled, and turned into stone form, but can still be reheated. The only material that can put black fire out, is white fire, a reverse frozen, but burning version of black fire, created in opposition to black fire when it is created.
Story: His father was given a suit, that could control Black Fire. An Alien gave it to him, and said that when the time came, he would have to use it. For years he didn't know why he had the suit but he tried using it for good most of the time. 10 yrs later, at the age of 20, aliens showed up, and started destroying major cities. Throughout the fight he tried not to harm any innocents, but in creating a chain reaction within the suit he eliminates the aliens, along with half a city. 5 years later, he was resurrected, albeit insane. As those 5 yrs in a hell like dimension, of which felt like 5,000 yrs. Upon returning he has become mostly demon.
Attitude: He's very regretful about what he did to stop the aliens, but is glad that he did it, for all of humanity would be dead if he didn't. The subject of his time in hell is of great sadness to him, for while he was in hell he was an executioner. He reaped the souls of thousands who came into hell, and for that he is greatly saddened in his life back on Earth. Just the slightest mention of someone saying they've seen worse angers him, since he's seen, and done the worst of it all. With the majority of people though he is very happy and tries to be nice to make up for what he's done.

armored(just toss in spines on his back, and take away the gun)
