Heaven part 1~
Marlon:thanks for these new clothes god.
God:any time....
Marlon:so what does angels do anyways?
God:have you ever heard the phrase "guardian angel?"
Marlon:yeah its when a angel looks out for a human.
God:thats your 1st task then you get the title FALLENANGEL
God:take this
marlon got a CLOUD
Marlon got a BAN Hammer
Marlon got The BIBLE
Marlon:what do i need these stuff for?
God:the bible has all power of angels so when a angel posses it the angel will gain Holyness
God:cloud is a good transportation for angels it go's about 5000 miles per hour and it doesnt need gas...
Cloud:yep pfft
God:the ban hammer is use for bannishing bad gaians just say BAN hammer
then watch what it does...
Malon:guess im set
Marlon:CYA god
*jumps cloud*
Cloud:you weigh a TON dude
Marlon:just get goin
tobe continued
heart end heart
l Marlon l Community Member |
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