Vanessa's voice a=shall be DARK RED!
Amelia walked through the front doors of her house.
Im home! she yelled.
If anyone cares...She added silently.
She silently walked up to her room, wich was on the third floor.
We really should have an elevator down here.....she thougt.
Amelia unlocked her room and made her way in.
She whistled.sure enough she heard the pitter patter of feet running up the stares.
In a few seconds her little dog had apppeard infront of her.
Hey whats up Gingy?
She said to the little dog.Where your sister?
Then of course came running in Sisssy.
Hey there you are!
She turned on the music and jumped on the bed where her dogs had already made themselves comfortable.
song that played.
Hmmm...she hummed while she listened to her disc wich she felt really suited herself.
She picked up the phone and dialed her Best friend Vannessa.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnng Rinnnnnnnnnnnng
it rang twice before V finally answered.
Hey V tis me!
Oh hey whats up Ami?
Nothin' just got home from running into some boy......probably hates me now, but what else is new?
Its true that Amelia and her friends had been asked out on about 3000 dates before but always refuse.Therefore most boys now ignore them and refer to them as The Undatebles.
hahahaha....So whatcha do?Tell him that you wouldnt go out with him in a quat gazillion years?
noooo...just......wellll....I called him a monkey for beign in a tree and then falling out of it while I was in our Hidden Fortrees.He scared me half to death when he fell out!I mean who climbs a tree and just sets there doing....well I had no Idea what he was doing BUT STILL!
Did you get into a big fight?
Well if you can call it a fight.I sat there insulting him and he just sat there....just well shocked....Oh I also called him a brainless monkey boy who belongs to The Brainless Monkey family.
Dang Lia, you sure have a way with boys!!!!!!!!
So was he cute?
Well in a way yes quite I mean he was tall, looked handsome and.....wait no I am not falling for that "Maybe he is the one" setup!
Shesh Ami I just like to point out that the perfect guy might show up in weird places!You said he was hansome and loveatfirstsight is a definite factor in true love!
Just because he was goodloking or because I said he was doesnt mean it was love at first sight!
Well I know this:
YOU HAVE TO LOOK for Mr.Right.
He wont just pop out of nowhere!
Hmph.Well I'm happy here with no love at all.So just drop it V.
I dont need a boyfried to be happy....anymore.
Uhu.ok............well ill call you tonight Ami k?
gotta go babysit the Jordan twins.
ok.See ya tomorrow.'
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Before insulting someone walk a mile in their shoes.
That way you're a mile away from them...And you have their shoes.

That way you're a mile away from them...And you have their shoes.