It just matches the song I'm listening to....
"Taper Jean Girl" By: Kings of Leon
I't a good song, very happy and lax. Sort of like how my day is going... So far....
Anywho, yesterday was also... A very... Good day... I think, or the day before.
Oh, and I saw the movie Cloverfield... It's was alright, and for those of you who said it was a bird..... YOU ARE WRONG.
It's something totally different... O.o But it's cool.
And, what I love about that movie...
Is that it DOESN'T have an optimistic ending. ^^
I know. I'm MEAN. Cold hearted... Blah blah...
But it's true, too many movies are optimistic.
The movie Pulse isn't, though the peope didn't all die... Damnit...
Also, 30 Days of Night....
They put vampires in shame in that movie. It put up the exact opposite view of what vampires are really like. And I don't like that.
Yes, they're obscene and pale.
But! They are also exquisite.
Therfore, I don't really like the movie too much.
Though, that still doesn't stop me from watching Vampire movies.
My mother is going to rent the 'old' version of 'Lost Boys'
She says that that movie was the best she's seen.
Afterwards, we will rent the newer version some time....
Hmmm... My brain went dead for that moment.
Heh heh, I'm happy, since I don't have to start school just yet.
But my parents are forcing us, (my brother and I) to go to bed earlier than normal...
Yeah, great idea.
I just lay there, staring at the ceiling, mind spinning, while my music plays.
(I can't sleep without the sound of music)
Reason? Well, I hear things.
(in my head) The voices and laughs of the ghosts in our house.
By the things I've heard/seen and that my brother has seen. It's a little girl.
I'm curious about how she was killed, because however she was, it involved screaming.
Other than that, I have more to learn about this girl.
Oh, and she likes my brother. XD She visits him a lot more than me.
((Hee hee, my step-dad is wtching transformers))
Though I watched it two nights ago after playing DDR for a couple hours with my brother. ((who sucks at it))
Well, I'm done here. ^^
Oh and....

I still think he's adorable. o^^o