Childhood-- It's a time of love and happiness, play and friendship, jumping for joy... For most people. But remember, never ever for all.
I sat in my room in sorrow. "Oh," I sighed. "I never feel like i'll find love..." I looked up at the calender. "It's friday, almost the new year.. 1986. Wow." I looked outside my window, and turned back, the, i looked back at my window. There was someone standing out there. "Seiji!" I opened my window. "Come down!" He yelled. I looked at him. "No!" I called back. He looked at me. I shrugged and walked out of my house and stood at the front. "I'm haveing a new year party, and i'm dragging you along." I nodded as he grabbed my wrist.
We all sat outside. "The ball drops in 30!" One person yelled. I looked up at the sky. "29, 28," "Make a wish," Seiji said. "27, 26, 25, 24," I looked at him, and he looked at me. Our faces got serious. "19, 18, 17, 16," We both looked up, and Seiji put his arm around me. I leaned my head on his shoulder, thinking about us. we've been freinds since we we're young... I think I love him... The secoonds came down and we both looked at eachother again. "5, 4, 3" And just as 1 was called, Seiji quickly pulled my head to his and gently gave me a kiss. my face was red, so red now. As the crowd screamed, Seiji just kissed me, and once he finally pulled away, I looked at him in embarrasment. "Why?" "You see," He sighed. "we've been friends for a while, and I really like you... But i'm moving, to... Tokyo." My eyes filled with tears at that. "What... No!" He sighed and put his hand on my face. "We'll keep in contact! It's okay!" "No! It's not! Why?" I quickly stood up. "You said you'd live here until you we're old enough!" "Ruri--" "No!" I quickly ran down the grassy hill. "Wait!" Seiji stood up. "Ruri..." He sadly put his head down. "Ruri..."
Adulthood-- The stage where everyone matures. Boy would I love to see that day. And I did, eventually.
"How does my hair look?" K said as Sugiya poofed his own out. "Like you." He replied. "Sugiya, this is you're first concert with us." Mana sighed. "Don't mess it up." "You're on in 5." The manager said. Seth quickly pulled his gloves on and slowly walked to the stage door. "Okay, i'm ready," He sighed and walked out to the stage and looked at the hundreds of people that seemed to be millions, but he knew it wasn't. "Moi Dix Moissss!" I yelled from the front row. "I love you!" Seth put his hand out as Hayato started drumming. "Moi!" He yelled. "Dix! Moi--" And just as K was walking, he bumped into Seth. Seth fell right off the stage and into the mosh pit. "Oh crap." He said in fear. The bodyguards quickly went to help. Just as he got up and brushed himself off, he looked at me. "Oh my god," Yoko said. "Seth's looking at you!" "i know..." I looked at him, just then as Mana gave him the microphoe back, Seth looked at me in the eyes. "Ruri..." The audience was silent. He walked to me and held his hand out. "S-seiji..." I walked out of my row and to him. "Seiji!" I threw my arms around him in joy. He blushed and hugged me back. "Ruri, it's been years!" He cried. "How I missed you!" Sugiya jumped off the stage and whacked Seth in the head. "We have a show to play!" He growled. Seth turned and blushed. "Well, fine." He was walking back to the stage, when he quickly turned back to me and kissed me on the cheek, then ran to the stage. I blushed and put my hand on my face. When he got onstage, he acted as if he forgot about me and picked up where the concert left off. "You know him?" Yoko asked. I nodded. "Yep," I happily said. "Yes I do."
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hi. I am bored

Let Jasmine You's soul live on
and forever may our hearts be with him, here,
to watch him as he flies
to a place beyond the stars
a place where he may live
a place where he is free...
Miyavi is my Superhero!
-Whenever a song that has no voice is sung, how can you call it music, music is a voice of soul~
Un-do~ by me
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Let Jasmine You's soul live on
and forever may our hearts be with him, here,
to watch him as he flies
to a place beyond the stars
a place where he may live
a place where he is free...
Miyavi is my Superhero!
-Whenever a song that has no voice is sung, how can you call it music, music is a voice of soul~
Un-do~ by me