Age: 17
Race: Elf Worrior, Telepath, Werewolf.

Bio: Delaney raised herself, having her family slaughtered and destroyed infront of her was more mental damage then most 4 year olds should have to deal with. But carrieing that memory with her made her stronger, vowing that she would find who did that to her family, village, and her life, and kill them all. She aquired two friends on her search for the people who killed her family, the wolf, Sage, and the Hawk, Akira. These animals are actually shapeshifters, who got stuck in their animal forms. So they connect well with Delaney. But they also share the same past as her. But all three of them share a huge bounty on their heads for killing off so many people that were partners to those who killed their families. But they know it was worth all the hunters coming after them.
Likes: Animals.
Loves: Sweets, Getting Her Way.
Fears: Breaking Her Vow.
Hates: People.