Losing someone you love is a painful thing,
you notice once their trully gone,
its harder to breath,
harder to see,
tears blinding you,
nothing in sight,
so you look for something of great height,
to jump off of,
spreads your wings and soar through the air,
maybe then the pain and sorrow will disapear.
The only problem is you are afraid to die,
so you reach for a razor any sharp object in sight,
you wish you may,
you wish you might,
cut your wrist and bring your love back from hells,
burning pit of fire.
You climb higher up that mountain,
the air harder to breath in,
the clouds blocking your sight.
The closest object a knife,
you grip it tight.
You've reached the perfect height,
ready to jump,
to fly,
to die.
You move the sharp edge against your skin,
blood surfucing,
vains blue as the sky,
diving to your deathbed,
the sweet ground in sight,
clink! The knife hits the floor,
the blood rushing is no more,
you've bled your love,
you've bled your heart,
you've bled your soul to call him back to you.
Bam! Your body lay lifeless on the cold hard loveless ground.
you sit in his car like the old times,
bleeding uncontrollably you rest your head,
where his shoulder used to be,
you feel his hand on your knee.
Your in a hospital bed,
how'd you get there?
You were dead,
frozen in air,
no more blood to bleed,
he holds your hand,
kisses it gently then explains,
"I realized i love you, i came back you were gone. I'd heard there was a girl about to commit suicide by jumping of a cliff and i knew it wasnt you, i came to the place where our love for eachother grew and there you were bloody and blue. i drove you here and here we are."
Im sorry i thought you were gone i wanted to be with you,
the only way i knew.
The girl that jumped never flew she hit the ground like a flightless bird she didnt survive she died. The girl that cut herself cut a vain but was rescued so it goes to show that if you cut your wrist your love will come back and you will live with him.
But if you jump off a cliff you will just die without your love being able to catch or save you. Falling for someone is not always the best thing wait til he loves you too cut you wrist and be rescued saved then live happily ever after with him and ride off into the sunset on a pink pony! :3
heart ~shanice~ heart
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MEH! :3
poems i wrote stuff i say lolz
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