Talks: -stares around-
Name: Hilario, but you can call me Hil, Jiraiya… or whatever
Age: 21
Loves: A perky blonde girl
Wants: A beautiful girl at my side
Mission: Acquire a decent arsenal
Feels like: A little like my old self again
Msn: h2311128@hotmail.com
Quote: Someone give a girl at my side and im happy.
Goldies: enough to donate
Status: Wondering if I will be here later
Best Donation yet: Amataruku OMFG Hat
Question Time!
If you were a pokemon, which would you be?
Jiraiya Kunai- Gallade
pantee pirate- Clefairy
Mightelove737- Ninetails
briannaea_17- Bulbasaur
HerRoyallHighness- Pikachu
____x chewymuffin- Squirtle
Penguin Abduction- Gengar
Swan Princess Ahiru- Mew
AnimeismylifeXD- Farfetch’d
Allie Jane- Jigglypuff
Mighty Megatron- Mewtwo
Hawaii2K- Charizard
Kana Onee-Chan- Chikorita
-o-nira-o-- Charizard
lynleigh omgstfu- Butterfree
Gabrielle Lioncourt- Mudkip
Mainks- Seaking
The_Saint_Joan- Arcanine
sunshineonthebeach- Sandshrew
Kaori Fallen Angel- Flygon
CoNecoHime- Eevee
prettyxcorpse- Electrode
kairi77- Dewgong
-_Strawberry Deception_- Leafeon
Ryoma4eva- Chikorita
Kitty Cupcakes- Espeon