Hello Lilac Minochi is my name having fun is my game! Well actually a lot of things are.. but thats a whole different story! I brought u here to hear of one story. The most interesting of all... mine! course I can't wait to tell u but sometimes I will get tired and have to stop. that's when my good friend Princess will tell it! Well I do think I should stop boring u with this and start on the story!
I was born around 111 years ago. Im this worlds terms thats pretty old but for me I'm not even grown up yet!My sprit animals are the wolf and bird.ah yes did I forget to mention I'm the princess of the village hidden in the vines? Actually we're a secret village most people can't find u know y? It's because we own no chakra we own magic. oh ya we're also part fairies, course not all of us have wings.oh my I think I should give a good picture of just me growing up in the village.

my mother said I was under protected but trust when u have a pixie gaurding u 24-7 then u think different.
My family? oh right well.. I was the only girl out of like 7 of us, My brothers names were Jiro, Deidara, Itachi, My father, my mother oh ya! my sister Konan, and husband to be Hiei heart .I'm the youngest.
Of course mother being mother I was never allowed out side our small market place and with my protective pixie Twinkle gaurding me It was hard. Of course majority of the time I knocked her out and put her in a jar. after that me and my brothers would sneak of to teach me how to fight like a true ninja/fairy.
anyway I have started many allignces with many villages, including the shadow village which is where my 3 best friends live Zirith, Tizona, and Raven.(oh ya guys I went there!) of course my brother had to destroy iit after he left our village for a while. I don't blame him some evil freaks hypnotized him to do it.. It's not his fault
So one day my brothr's were taking me to train. "keep your knees up!"
Jiro yelled to me" come on! pretend I'm a real enemy!" "Stop!" Deidara called and we both jumped down"you know Jiro if she did treat you like an enemy you'd be ripped to shreds" Deidara laughed "you know 'she' is right here" I smirked punching him in the arm "course we better get back before Twinkle wakes up." Of course me and Jiro always talk on the way home and ,of course, every time I say "You know just because I'm marrying earlier then you doesn't mean squat!" thats when Hiei pops out Jiro gets jumpy mumbles to him slef and Hiei, Deidara, and Itachi leave. Course Itachi doesn't talk much ever since the destruction of the shadow village, I think he still fells guilty.
So that night I was winding up this cool snowglobe I found in our last war and wound it up. Some said It could tell the future but most don't believe us. Of course when it started to turn black I knew something was up but I went to sllep and forgot all about it.
the next day Deidara or Itachi couldn't come, so me and Jiro just went to train. I did pretty good considering no one was watching me. But the problem happened when we started to come bak...
When we were walking along the trail we heard a loud boom. I auto matically bacame scared and hid behind Jiro he told me to start to fly, and, without arguement we flew. But when we saw the village I almost dropped him. Everything well almost everything was destroied. We rushed to the castle me no longer flying. Jiro was leading me somewhere I've never been and told me to go thruogh the first door and grab my sacred book. I went in there and It looked my room and the book was sitting on the corner of my shelf. But when I saw my snowglobe I remembered everything that was going to happen. I got it and he got his locket. He started to lead to a room at the end of the hall. I was scared. I didn't know where we were, where anyone was, or what was going on.
When we made it to the room my family, even Hiei, was there. They instructed me what to do and I did everything without a word. When all was done we were sitting in a circle, our sacred Items in front of. WWhen my mother told us what was going tohappen I almost cried. She told us that we would all be seperated to a new village. and the second I heard seperated I knew what this mean't, My mother told me of it before. She saud this: "If I say this it means that we would be reborn to anew person, hopefuly with the same name.and only when we find our sacred Items we will remember." I was crying hard now trying to hold in each puff of breath. It was hard. I closed my eyes seeing if the tears would go away but when I opened them everything, and everyone was gone.
more of the story hopefully soon!