She really wasn't awake for the next few days per se, but she was alive. Oh, yes, she was alive.
This hurts far too much to be death.
She was vaguely aware of a colored light, more like a darkness, glowing, next to her body Someone- she was not sure who, since most people avoided her- gathered her gently into their arms and took a few steps toward whatever was emitting the light. She thought she felt the smooth side of bladed shains against her remaining leg. Ther person (she was fairly sure it was a man now) stepped into the source of the light and all was still. She had the strage sensation of moving very fast, or so it seemed. But the man was not moving at all. She felt as if she were surrounded by a purple-black plane.
In no time at all, the man took another step forward and the sensation of movement ceased. Her eyes fluttered a little in her coma-like state and her brain registered a purple-black orb disappearing into thin air. She also noticed a tattered blue scarf before she drifted into subconciousness again.
Seimian moaned faintly and thried to roll over.
She muffled her cry of pain.
it will do no good to aert the enemy to my position with me being as injured as I am
She stiffened as the air near her stirred suddenly.
Oh, great, it seems that I have
“P-please, be quick.” A foreign language reached her ears.
Are they trying to confuse me?
“Do you understand me?”
His voice sounded like salvation to the young girl. Her eyes flew open to meet sad green ones.
He looked slightly confused, a little relieved, but mostly sad.
saddened by the war, perhaps? But why would he look so sadly at me?
"P-please, do what you are supposed to do. Procrastination does nothing."
When seconds passed and still he had not moved, she glanced around her surroundings.
Huh, what? Why am I in... a room? How did I get here?
Now she looked as confused as he did.
"But, why do you not kill me?"
"Why should I kill you?"
"Are you not my enemy? Mmm... so confusing. Thelast thing I remember is being on the battle field after my brother and I were attacked. Where am I?"
The man was regarding her curiously now.
"You are at the Darl Elf Tavern. They will care for you here until you are well enough to go back into the field. I am Duo Do'URden. What are you called?"
"I am called-" She broke off
"What is wrong?"
"I can't... remember my name. How odd. You may call me Katana, I suppose, Katana Mor'Loki. I am pleased to meet you, Do'Urden-san. Can you please back away from the... what am I on? ... Oh, a bed. Back away from the bed for a moment, or what I am about to do may not work as well if you are so close."
Duo backed away from the bed, his black and green goggles glinting in the dim light.

Duo Do'Urden
{NOTE- Duo Do Urden is an actual member of Gaia}
This hurts far too much to be death.
She was vaguely aware of a colored light, more like a darkness, glowing, next to her body Someone- she was not sure who, since most people avoided her- gathered her gently into their arms and took a few steps toward whatever was emitting the light. She thought she felt the smooth side of bladed shains against her remaining leg. Ther person (she was fairly sure it was a man now) stepped into the source of the light and all was still. She had the strage sensation of moving very fast, or so it seemed. But the man was not moving at all. She felt as if she were surrounded by a purple-black plane.
In no time at all, the man took another step forward and the sensation of movement ceased. Her eyes fluttered a little in her coma-like state and her brain registered a purple-black orb disappearing into thin air. She also noticed a tattered blue scarf before she drifted into subconciousness again.
Seimian moaned faintly and thried to roll over.
She muffled her cry of pain.
it will do no good to aert the enemy to my position with me being as injured as I am
She stiffened as the air near her stirred suddenly.
Oh, great, it seems that I have
“P-please, be quick.” A foreign language reached her ears.
Are they trying to confuse me?
“Do you understand me?”
His voice sounded like salvation to the young girl. Her eyes flew open to meet sad green ones.
He looked slightly confused, a little relieved, but mostly sad.
saddened by the war, perhaps? But why would he look so sadly at me?
"P-please, do what you are supposed to do. Procrastination does nothing."
When seconds passed and still he had not moved, she glanced around her surroundings.
Huh, what? Why am I in... a room? How did I get here?
Now she looked as confused as he did.
"But, why do you not kill me?"
"Why should I kill you?"
"Are you not my enemy? Mmm... so confusing. Thelast thing I remember is being on the battle field after my brother and I were attacked. Where am I?"
The man was regarding her curiously now.
"You are at the Darl Elf Tavern. They will care for you here until you are well enough to go back into the field. I am Duo Do'URden. What are you called?"
"I am called-" She broke off
"What is wrong?"
"I can't... remember my name. How odd. You may call me Katana, I suppose, Katana Mor'Loki. I am pleased to meet you, Do'Urden-san. Can you please back away from the... what am I on? ... Oh, a bed. Back away from the bed for a moment, or what I am about to do may not work as well if you are so close."
Duo backed away from the bed, his black and green goggles glinting in the dim light.

Duo Do'Urden
{NOTE- Duo Do Urden is an actual member of Gaia}