hello! I've been on a manga reading binge that I cant stop...... heres a review of a book that I paticularly like (from the 24 books I checked out Monday....) It's called Notsatsu Junkie. The Main character is a aspiring young modle named Naka, she has all the fetures of a modle.... ecept one problem, when she smiles she looks like a criminal! People often say shes a cerial killer or a scary witch.... Heres an example....

... just wanted a hot pocket........ any way because she was rejected by her long time crush, because he likes Umi, a beautiful Female Model? So she tries out for a modeling job, where Umi works, but she soon figures out...........
GASP! so in order to shut her up he gives her a modeling job. Freakin cross-dressing perv also goes to her school, as a normal guy...... weird.