Nickname(s): Trevor, Bates (hates being called Jordan; it's what his parents called him)
RP appearance(s): School of Rock (Zantarni)
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Personality: A rather dark person, he's quiet and introverted. He may seem rude on the outside at first, but once you get to know him, he's pretty sweet. A very intelligent being, he's quite mature for his age.
Bio: Grew up in a wealthy family. He started out in a normal public school, but it was soon obvious that it was holding him back. They did a placement test, finding that he was about three grades ahead for his age. They immediately put him in a private school for the gifted, where, educationally he fit in, but socially, he was very left out. He ran away after three weeks there, looking for a place where he could be accepted.
Weapon(s): None
Abilities: Plays violin, guitar