Age: Uknown
Race: Jester, Telepath, Telekinetic, Earth Elemental.

Bio: Sora was raised in a royal home, even though she was just a commoner. Her family worked for the royal family and did everything they wanted. Her mother worked in the kitchen, and her father worked the feilds. The royals were very nice to her and her parents, and she even made friends with the prince and princess, the queen adored Sora as well, since she was such a hard worker and always made her laugh when she was under stress. So when Sora was about 13 years old, they gave her some Jester clothing and had her entertain the family. And her hidden talents of being an elemental just made her tricks even better. Even though when she was alone, the princess and prince would fetch her and bring her out into the back courtyard and train her, knowing that later in her life when she left the royal home, that her life would probably be in danger for her special 'talents'. So now, Sora carries around a large amount of dagers, hidden away, were only she knows they are.
Loves: Laughing, Dancing, Singing.
Hates: Silences.
Likes: Walking, Playing Games.
Fears: The Dark.