Okay...so i was reluctant before but I keep dreaming about it so ima go ahead and blog about it...
Twilight [The Movie]
Rating: 41/2 stars of 5
Well, it may just be because ima bizzaro huge fan of the book but the movie was AMAZING! but it seemed rushed. I didn't like how short it was and how different it was from the book... but im not saying its not worth seeing because it definatly is! WHOA MAN IS IT! but i guess it depends on wether or not your a fan of the book or you just wanna see the movie. There were some parts that i absolutly adored examples: the vampire baseball scene, and the fight scene between Edward and James...even though i'd seen it a million times...Robert Pattinsn portrayed Edward Cullen fairly well, as did Kristen stewart as Bella but Kristen is just so figety it's distracting but other than that she looked amazing and did a pretty cool job. For the rest of the cullens...Jakson Rathbone as Jasper = awesome,Kellan Lutz as Emmett = Way cool,Nikki Reed as Rosalie = Such a b***h but still awesome, Ashley Greene as Alice = ...MY FAV! Alice was my fav of the cullens (other than Edward) on the movie she's just so cutesy and adorable and F'n graceful! She's AMAZING! LOVE HER!Peter Facenelli as Carlisle is so F'n SHMEXY! YUmmY! GRR... ANywho,Elizabeth as Esme was very motherly and sweet... now for... JACOB! Yeah Taylor Lautner, to me, is extremely HAWT and a great actor so i think he did pretty well, but thats just me , some say his wig was horrible i think it was pretty nice... Billy Black wasn't as much as a nag in the movie as he was in the book, he was actually pretty cool, and for an old guy pretty hot...LOL. Sam and Embry are pretty awesome...Sam is okay but Embry is SEXY! Love him! Jessica... i dont care what people say about her i dont like her that much shes kinda twofaced and desperate but i guess thats just her character...Angela Weber very nice, really nice actually...CHARLIE! ogh yeah, charlie for and older man was pretty good looking and when bell told huim that she didnt want to stay in forks anymore his face was so broken... it was like seeing a puppy get taken from its mother...anyway Cam Gigandet as James... what can i say but WOWZERZ! He is so good looking its insane, Victoria plays a real big part in ending the film as a cliff hanger so yeah yeah...Edi Gathegi as Laraunt is pretty cool as well and i can't get this line out of my head, "Come on James, Dont play with your food *laughs*" creepy right...so amazing!
If your a Twi-Hard be prepared to like the book better
If your just someone seeing the movie maybe youll like maybe you wont all depends on who u r
All in all i think the movie was crazy AMAZING but rushed and kinda all over tha place, 9.5/10... my final judgement...
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