Alright, so today was pretty good. Went Christmas shopping with my cousin today, although not in the early morning like most bargain hunters. I'm not crazy after all. Unfortunately, I'm broke right now so I have to find some baby sitting jobs to raise money for everyone's presents this year... I have a pretty long list, and I want everyone to like what they get. DID have five dollars but spent that on some cute hair bows so... I think I have all of 20 cents to my name.
So I was thinking about all of the assholes who live in my city. Basically, everyone at my school is an idiot, even the straight A students- they just learn enough to get by. They don't really care about gaining knowledge, just about getting into college. And while this is important and I myself strive to get perfect grades, my learning doesn't stop at school; I read constantly (and not the popular sh** everyone's reading lately; I read books that actually stimulate you mentally such as Of Mice and Men, Heart of Darkness, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest, and other classics,) I write, and I try to watch intelligent programs as well as entertaining ones.
Okay, so I don't just read classics. I like funny things too. But I read books like Steven Colbert's "I am America and So Can You", and the "America" textbook that Jon Stewart and his show's writers made. Their humor actually involves intelligence, and you have to know your facts about history to understand many of the references. Hell, most people don't even understand that the Colbert Report is a Political Satire show (just like The Daily Show,) and they think that he's actually a right wing idiot. No. This is a character that he plays on television to make fun of people with those views.
Another thing is, they have no taste in movies. They adore the newest thing, even if the writing was poor and the actors suck. They get excited over the House Bunny, but ask anyone about Bladerunner and they stare blankly and ask "is that the one with Wesley Snipes?" NO, THAT WAS "BLADE" YOU DUMB a**. Honestly. Did anybody even see The Darjeeling Limited? No. Instead they went and saw "Step Up" or some equally mind numbing sh**.
Then there's music. People here think they're experts. They say that they "couldn't live without music," but at the same time they only listen to popular songs that have a "nice beat." But music should be more than that; sure, it's fine to like popular artists. I enjoy many popular bands myself. But you need to look beyond what's popular, and try to find music with meaning too. Like Tom Waits; nobody at my school even knows who Tom Wait's is, and he's a well known musician himself. They don't know who Cake is, who The Queens of the Stone age are. COME ON PEOPLE! All of these people I mentioned are very well known artists in the musical community; but no, they would prefer to listen to Usher and Paramore. I'm sorry, but I don't understand what people even see in Paramore. Sure, some of the music is OK. But they're not great. That's why it really gets me when people say that Paramore is their favorite band.
Anyways, I'm going to go listen to some good music and play some zOMG! That Katsumi's doll quest is a pain in the a**.
Currently listening to: Tango Till They're Sore, by Tom Waits.
Well you play that tarantella, all the houndogs start to roar
The boys all go to hell and then the Cubans hit the floor
They drive along their pipelines, they tango till they're soar
They take apart their nightmares and they leave 'em by the door
Let me fall out of the window with confetti in my hair
Deal out Jackson better on the blanket by the stairs
I'd tell you all my secrets but I lie about my past
So send me off to bed forever more
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Alright this is just going to be a place for my ramblings on topics of my choosing.... Video games, music, movies, society and the like. Take a peek!
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