So, graceful_phoenix, this is thy commission, kind of. Anyone else who reads this - *crickets?* - I had the urge to write something almost totally lacking structure, the subject changed swiftly from a massive disconnect between two people to a description of a writer in her element when I realized that writing something positive would probably be better for me with exams still on-going, made sixteen million, seven hundred forty-seven thousand, two hundred twenty-eight minor revisions, and this came out. The syntax almost makes sense... kind of. Here 'tis.
Dance, Dance, and flip sound!
legs and black bloody ribbons waltzes and rivers
shatter and wander she wanted you to know
?Did you hear what I was wearing yesterday?
-a child’s laughter-
This is not pas de deux, this is solo contemporation
and let her be she contortizes the universe to pencil rhythms.
I can see her sitting, writing, her pen
Dancing, Dancing
fountains and ball bearings and granite mountains
lead pipes and ink jelly and charcoal fires.
lookatit! lookatit! lookatit!
fffffuego tango!
She scathes with words words cannot describe
Scratch and pencil and owl eyes and flowing hair.
Makes storybooks and write to build a lifetime
of eternities flowering
Dancing, dancing,
on papyrus on plastics on dried paste
on cardboard on dead trees on cow skin
Watch it glisten, ink is bleeding spinstick glows to light
Electrify truth and neuron snapsnapsnap crackle that
Hip-hop pop lock the phrase and jot it she stops
And music flows in, winding melody in her hand, her fingers ache
more lead mechanicates or a new keyboard sythesizes as
pas redouble redoubles feuer, feuerfrei writing and inciting flame to
burn the very paper that is written gypsy tambourine clap keys tarantella
She can’t see you blind and deaf in
exasperation as an eraser or “delete” completes
WAR and politic romance
!Did you see the size of his!
…the Association will not stand for the bastardization of…
there is philosophy in her fingertips type tickety-tap clack click
Dance-i-scribe, Dance-i-scribe – ballet! the ink follows conductor stylus gyroscoping
Condense or condescend ascend and blend and
God damnit when did she have time to fit in a conceit? hits you in an aftertaste I
smile at that punctuati-step syntactication of finger-whips
Foxtrot quickstep twostep midstep redstep bluestep and
“Azure horizons painted my vision hues known only to angels in flight. I was lost in the emptiness of my everything; I couldn’t see for all that was in my eyes, and so blinded did I walk by heart to worlds that through my words can never be cast into the void of forgotten memories…”
That is how I see her,
Dance, dance.
P.S. That number of revisions was totally random. "Feuer" in German means "fire," but "feuerfrei" is a military command equivalent to "fire at will." "Feugo" is Spanish for "fire." The tarantella is an Italian dance frequently attributed to the bite of a tarantula although _Fact Of The Day_ the only reason for that is that tarantula, tarantella, and tarantism all derive from Taranto, the city in which they originated. And a lot of the words in that poem were made up. YYYYAAAAAAAYYYY back to studying.
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Carpe Diem Ad Muertum
Sieze the day, to the death. There is no potential that shall be passed by, there is no piece of glory to fall by the wayside, there is no soul to left unsaved by the brilliance of language. As writers, we are gods.
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I've found in my years here on Earth that a spine is requisite if one is to stand for anything, especially on one's own two feet.
From my philosophy class: "I don't know if you've accurately captured the subjectivity of trolls..."[/size:b70742df3a][/color:b70742df3a]
^ ask me about this place~
From my philosophy class: "I don't know if you've accurately captured the subjectivity of trolls..."[/size:b70742df3a][/color:b70742df3a]
^ ask me about this place~
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Community Member
I can't tell if it was because I knew in advance that I'd have to make a visual representation out of all this before I started reading, but the imagery was really strong and hard to grasp at the same time. It was like watching the metamorphosis of an impressionistic painting--nothing stayed still and everything kept changing in swirls of colours and movement and shape and form. I think I see what you're getting at, and though the images are fleeting I shall attempt to catch them long enough to set them down somewhere. A few more readings probably wouldn't hurt.
You know, it figures that out of all the requests, you'd be the one to ask for something so abstract (how do you draw a metaphor? Or paint a conceit?). A challenge to keep me occupied for a while, I think.