"Wake up, Dracil, you've got to get up and get ready for the ceromony! Don't you dare give me any of that, 'I'm on my way,' stuff. I know you, and I'm not leaving unless you're with me!"
The young dragon gumbled disorientedly as he looked up at his friend, Nacoan, with one eye part of the way open. "Geez, Nacoan, the ceromony's not for another three shadow turns! I have time... how about you let me sleep for a little while longer?"
She just rolled her eyes at her sluggish companion as she said, " A little while longer? Dracil, you'd sleep through the end of the world if you were allowed to. Now get up and get out here."
Dracil opne his eyes fully to get a better look at his young tormenter. Nacoan was small for a dragon, but she had a temper as vicious as king's when it was aroused. Her wingers were as delicate looking as she was, but with them she could out fly any of the larger dragons with ease. She had a fragile looking face, concealing the many pointed teeth that she harbored and Sapphire blue eyes and gracious horns upon her head. However, to Dracil, the feature that held his attention were the glistening emerald green scales that adorned her body, fading as they transitioned from her head and back to her stomach and tail.
"Fine," he said. "I'll get up, but I won't be happy about it. I don't even see what's so important about the ceromony in any case." He stood up and stretched his crimson wings while shaking his head to clear the uneasy thoughts. "To me, this is just another dull, boring gathering for another gloomy reason."
She fired back with her voice full of playfullness, "Don't you dare downplay the importance of tomorrow. It's not just any naming ceromony... It's your naming ceromony. You will be named the King's heir! You need to accept responsibilty that you'll be surely forced to handle. After all, you'll be king someday!" She walked to the mouth of his roost, a cave just outside of he main palace and stopped to look back at him. "Well, come on! Let's go!" she shouted as she flashed him a playful smile and leaped off of the ledge.
Dracil sighed and got quickly to his feet, chasing after her before taking off into flight. "All right, I'm coming... but only because you're the one waking me." He admired the view as he always did whenever he took flight. He looked from the frozen peaks of the mountains surrounding his roost to the forest below, speckled with reds and yellows. He sigh, feeling the wind hiss past him as he looks to their destination, Castle Frost. It was an amazing structure, the castle, naturally and elaborately carved by wind and water. The inside was hewn by claw, but was just as marvelous. He alightsl in the courtyard out front, not much compared to the splendor of the castle, and turns his attention to his escort.
He smiled as he said to her, "You're just too sweet and beautiful to stay angry at for long. If you were anyone else, I'd've painted you black with soot for waking me at such a time." He finished his rant with a toothy smile that would've seemed threatening to anyone but her.
Nacoan just sighed and said, "Well, I think that we may want to head into the castle. Beside, Dracil, you couldn't even make a piece of dry tinder smoke if you tried for a week." She giggled as she took off for the gates of the palace.
Nacoan stopped at the gates and said, "All right, sunshine, follow me. We need to check in with Tobea to see if there's anything we need to do before the ceromony tomorrow evening, even though I'm sure there is... There is always more to be done... I do believe that she's in the kitchen right now, playing general to the army of servants."
He offered her a sarcastic smile as he followed her into the great hall. He was stricken by awe each and everytime he entered this place. The perfect glass covered walls, hewn by breath instead of claws, were beautifully adorned. He focused mainly on the tapestries as he walked over toward the side passages that lead to the servant's quarters and the kitchen. He stopped to look at one in particular, one of a small female dragon at the Tree of Fyre. Sighing at the detail and the meaning of it, she slowly shuffles dwon the passage, his gaze carefully avoiding another tapestry. He hurries into the passage after Nacoan, his mind still ablaze from the assualt of color, thought and noise of the great hall.
Nacoan sighed before she said, "We'd better find Tobeas before she finds us. If we're late, she'll skin us alive!"
"She wouldn't dare skin me!" he said with a smirk. "I'm to be king!"
"Well, hurry up because I'm not going to lose my skin becasue of your laziness! Let's go!" she shouted as she flashed him a coy smile.
Dracil snickered as he walked catch her. He batted her with his tail playfully as he passed her. His eyes gleamed as he said to her, "She wouldn't dare skin you either, especially if I have anything to say about it." His voice turned a little sad as he uttered his final line of his diatribe. "I am to be the king's heir..."
She stopped abruptly in the deserted corridor and said to him, "Dracil, what's wrong? Do you want to be skinned? I don't think that your impending power could save us from her wrath." She continued a little more seriouly, her worry apparent in her voice. "Really, Dracil, what's wrong?"
"Nothing," Dracil said as he also stopped to look at her. "I'm just worried that my Naming will cause us to grow distant..."
Nacaon pushed him playfully as she said, "Dracil, you're not telling me the whole truth... What else is there?"
He sighed as he looked into her deep sapphire pools. "I'm being honest... Do you remember one of the stipulations for the naming to be complete?"
"Of course," she said, "everyone does. Why?"
"Well, tell me what you know of them and tell me if it's different than what I know..." he mumbled, hoping he got his point across.
Nacoan smiled as she started to rattle off the stipulations. "Well, you have to be at least 80 seasons old, you have to be of some relation to the king... Umm.. you have to be able to handle the responsiblilty... and...oh." She stopped short as she realized the requirement he didn't fill.
"Go on, please, Nacoan." he muttered, his eyes full of his sadness.
She muttered in response, " You have to have a mate. " She continued in confusions, "What are you trying to say?.... Oh."
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... Fade to what? Yellow? Black? Blue? What?!? stare