Okay, so I became extremely bored and also based off a conversation in a thread, I decided to list out all if my games as well as which consol they are for. Generally, they are in alphabetical order, or at least they should be. There is a section though that contains a mix of consol games because that it was I call my "Final Fantasy/Square" section on my game shelf.
(Note: Some games on here are also on my Wi-Fi game list. This is all my games and not just my Wi-Fi ones. Also, this is only the games I have found and know for a fact that I have. I'm not going to list ones I used to have or think I have.)
Have a game you think I would like? Comment it and tell me. =D
Square Section
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Chrono Cross
Final Fantasy Chronicles(Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy IV)
Final Fantasy Anthology (Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy VI)
Final Fantasy VII
Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII-
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy XII
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts II
Star Ocean
Gauntlet Legends
Rugrats in Paris
Street Fighter EX2 Plus
Wild Arms 2 ((doesn't work))
102 Dalmatians Puppies to the Rescue
Jet Moto
Spyro: Year of the Dragon
Spyro (2): Ripto's Rage!
Spyro the Dragon
Dance Dance Revolution Konamix
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Tekken 3
Wild Arms
Resident Evil
Skull Monkeys
Burnout 3 Takedown
Cat In The Hat
Chamions of Norrath
Champions Return to Arms
Crazy Taxi
DDR Max2: Dance Dance Revolution
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry 2
Devil May Cry 3
DOA 2 Hardcore
.dot Hack// Outbreak (1)
.dot Hack// Infection (3)
Dr. Muto
Enter the Matrix
Family Guy
Gauntlet Dark Legacy
Ghost Hunter
God of War
God of War II
Gran Turismo 3
Hunter the Reckoning Wayward
Inuyasha: Feudal Combat
Kya Dark Linage
MsFarland's Evil Prophecy
Mortal Kombat Armageddon
Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance
Mortal Kombat Deception
MX World Tour
Orphen Scion of Sorcery
Pac Man World 2
Pinball: Hall of Fame
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Ring of Red
Rumble Roses
Rune: Viking Warlord
Sega Superstars Tennis
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 3
Silent Hill 4: The Room
Sonic Riders
Soul Calibur II
Soul Calibur III
Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly
Test Drive
Tetris Worlds
Trigger Man
Virtue Fighter 4
Virtue Fighter 4 Evolution
WWE Smackdown VS Raw 2008
X-Men Legends II
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist of the Roses
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
James Bond 007 in Agent Under Fire
King Arthur
Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Marvel Nemesis Rise of the Imperfects
Pokemon Channel
Pokemon Colosseum
Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic Gems Collection
Time Splitters 2
WWE: Day of Reckoning
Donkey Kong Bongo Bash
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
The Legend of Zelda: Legend of Twilight Princess
NiGHTS Journey of Dreams
Sonic Riders Zero Gravity
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Diddy Kong Racing
Nintendogs: Dalmatian and Friends
Pokemon Diamond
The World Ends With You
Dr. Mario 64
Hey! You! Pikachu
Legend of Zelda: Majors Mask
Pokemon Stadiumm
The New Tetris
Gameboy Color
Super Nintendo
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Or buying my crap would be cool too.
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