Profile Type: III
Name: Legion Match
Moniker: The Inventor
Age: 35
Sex: Male
Heritage: Unknown
Appearance: Legion stands at about 6'8, has extremely broad shoulders, and is overall muscular looking. He has rather pale skin, and a handsome face. His hair is always messly looking, poorly trimmed, and a stunning snow white color. He is almost alway seen in his white turtle-neck, blue windbreaker, black slacks, and glasses. Although he has only minor vision problems, Legion insists upon wearing his glasses, saying they make him look, "dignified". Besides his light plum colored eyes, Legion actually looks quite like a normal human.
Personality: Legion is a very devious character. He is a womanizer, and incredibly very charming. He seems like the most harmless of characters, but beware of this deceptive apperance. Legion is a brillant man, although he rarely lets it show. His is a person without the fear of anything, including death and being caught in a lie or a trap.
ST: Legion is an 'inventor' as he calls himself. His is able to create incredible things by drawing them up on anything. He basically, creates nonliving things by drawing them with any sort of ink or graphite, on any surface. If he were to draw a scapel on a wall, when he took the pen away, a metal spacel would fall from the wall to the floor and the ink or graphite on the wall would vanish. He can create incredible machines, but it is rather time-consuming and they often break down if they cannot work in reality. For instance, he can't make some machine that is instantly kill people or take away their limbs without any sort of motor. Simply put, his creations must follow the laws of physics and reality.
ST Rank:
Occupation: Former Medical Researcher and Surgeon, New Vice Principal of Gideon Academy
Inventory: A pen, a pencil, a small sketchbook, glasses, a blackberry storm cellphone, and a necklace with his wedding ring.
Additional Info: Legion is a brillant surgeon, and with his ability, he has been experimenting with new surgery techniques for years. He is incredibly trained, and both physically and mental strong. Recently however, he was convinced by his wife, to take up the position of Vice Principal at Gideon Academy.