1. Name: Private
2. Nickname: XsceneemoX
3. Birthday: 2.24.94
4. Place of Birth: New Jersey
5. Zodiac Sign: Pisces
6. Male or Female: LOL SECRET
7. Education: Jr.High
8. Schools you went to: Maurice Hawk, Millstone River, Town Center, Grover, Charels Boehm, Lifeworks
9. Occupation: Student
10. Residence: Pennsylvania
11. Screen Names: XsceneemoX
__Your Appearance___
12. Hair Colour: Blonde
13. Hair Length: Longish
14. Eye colour: Hazel
16. Height: 4'9 or 5'0
17. Braces?: No
18. Glasses?: YES
19. Piercing: no
20. Tattoos: nope!
21. Righty or Lefty: righty
___Your 'Firsts'___
22. First best friend: Karen
23. First Award: none
24. First Sport You Joined: None
25. First Pet: a Cat :3 meowr
26. First Real Vacation: Lake George
27. First Concert: Crappy Christian Concert
___ Favorites___
29. Movie: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
30. TV Show: South Park
31. Color: Purple
32. Rapper: I hate Rap
33. Band: Jonathan Coulton, My Chemical Romance
34. Song Right Now: Helena
35. Friend: Whats a friend?
36. Candy: human flesh... uh i mean chocolate
37. Sport to Play: fu*k sports!
38. Restaurant: any japanese sushi bar
39. Favorite brand to wear: Multi crap
40. Store: Gamestop
41. School Subject: Art
42. Animal: Cat
43. Book: Impulse
44. Magazine: None
45. Shoes: converse
46. Feeling: annoyed
47. Single or Taken?: none of your goddamn buisness
49. Eating: Your arm
50. Drinking: blood... i mean Dr.Pepper
51. Typing: Well no s**t sherlock!
52. Online?:read the awnser above
53. Listening To: Paper Planes
54. Thinking About: My f*cking awnsers!
55. Wanting To: play video games
56. Watching: Me type this
57. Wearing: GASP PERVERT!!!!!!!!
58. Want Kids?: Just 2
59. Want to be Married: Yhea
60. Careers in Mind: Artist
61. Where do you want to live?: TOKYO JAPAN
62. Car: SmartCar
__Which is Better With The Opposite Sex___
63. Hair colour: ???
64. Hair length: ???
65. Eye colour: ???
66. Measurements: ???
67. Cute or Sexy: ???
68. Lips or Eyes: ???
69. Hugs or Kisses: ???
70. Short or Tall: ???
71. Easygoing or serious: ???
72. Romantic or Spontaneous: ???
74. Sensitive or Loud: ???
75. Hook-up or Relationship: ???
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: ???
___Have you ever______
78. Kissed a Stranger: ew no!
79. Had Alcohol: hahahaha >__> <__<
80. Smoked: hahaha
81. Ran Away From Home: y7 times
82. Broken a bone: yes
85. Broken Someones Heart: no... i think
86. Broken Up With Someone: other way around
87. Cried When Someone Died: yes TT__TT
88. Cried At School: ya
___Do You Believe In___
89. God: Yes
90. Miracles: no
91. Love At First sight: no
93. Aliens: No
94. Soul Mates: no
95. Heaven: Yes
96. Hell: Yes
98. Kissing on The First Date: not really
99. Horoscopes: no (read them for a good laugh)
___Answer Truthfully___
100. know anyone that you cant have? I dont care
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OMG ITS GINO! i stoled his underwear XD
OMG ITS GINO! i stoled his underwear XD