Fine, I'll admit it. I sorta miss school >.>
I guess I still have all this energy that I usually use up in school!
And now I can't SLEEP.
But! Now I can watch anime. ^^
Hmmm... Now that I think about it...
What if this carries on even during school....
Well, I guess I'll have to see if I continue with my:
Get up, get dressed, get on the bus, get to school, say hi to friends, english, bio, P.E., spanish, lunch, math, frosh, then art, get back on bus, wait for 5 bus stops before mine, get home, do chores, cook dinner, try to do home work without falling asleep on it, OR if I have no home work, sit on couch and fall asleep watching TV until exactly 12:00am and go to my room then start the WHOLE process allllllll over AGAIN. O.o
Yep, boring isn't it.
Though my life may change... I don't know if this is supposed to be a 'Wish come true' or not.
Me: Always wishing for change.
Life: boring
Reality: Not gonna happen.
My dad calls me, (thanks to my grand parents sticking their noses where they don't belong) he promises to call me everyday or every other day. Didn't happen.
Yesterday he calls my mom and argues with her about jason and how she should keep him away because of what happened so on and so fourth. >.> Thenthe bright idea comes to his mind:
"Let her move over here with me and let me raise her."
Florida.... My mom asked me if I wanted to move in with him or not.
If I moved there now, which I have the choice to or not... I would have to switch schools again.
So I suggested, how about over the summer?
My mom said okay ut said that if I liked it there better, then I could stay and she would ship all my stuff to me.
My brother said go for it. (not to get rid of me BTW!!!)
He said that I would fit in better >.> Which was rude >= (
And that it wouldn't be as stressful to worry if jason will appear or that I would be better treated and have more attention and get more things than I have.
I just shrugged and said I'll think about it. BUT!
I don't know what it'll be like to live with my... Father. O.o
It'll be too weird and I told my mom that I wouldn't trust him. (thanks to jason and his perverted SICK ******** MIND!!!!!!! ARG!!!!! sweatdrop )
She said that he wasn't like that. Well, you just can't trust people...
Wanna know what happened... Yesterday? (it feels like today since I've been awake all this time XD )
Well, my brother invited some friends over. 3 of them
I knew this and didn't mind... They all smoke weed. XP So, (since mom didn't know we had to be SHHHH about it) I stood around them while they did it, turns out I got Contact High. (inhaling the smoke causes you to get loopy too >.> wink
I had fun though, hee hee, one dude was chasing the cats and was under my bed calling Chloe a Nazi cat. XD
And we destroyed my mom's chips and salsa.
And the most jittery part of it all was when mom and jason arrived. DUN DUN DUN.....
My brother and I rushed the friends out the back door. XP Stupid Daulton jumped our fence and walked by the garadge(sp?) my mom and >.> Jason evil were.
Luckily, they didn't know about the smoking, and my mom just laughed about the fact that we had friends over and shoved them out the door. XD
Well, now I'm bored, but amused slightly by my lighting up shurt. XD It lights up when I move. yayz, and now time for more Shugo Chara! XD

I guess I still have all this energy that I usually use up in school!
And now I can't SLEEP.
But! Now I can watch anime. ^^
Hmmm... Now that I think about it...
What if this carries on even during school....
Well, I guess I'll have to see if I continue with my:
Get up, get dressed, get on the bus, get to school, say hi to friends, english, bio, P.E., spanish, lunch, math, frosh, then art, get back on bus, wait for 5 bus stops before mine, get home, do chores, cook dinner, try to do home work without falling asleep on it, OR if I have no home work, sit on couch and fall asleep watching TV until exactly 12:00am and go to my room then start the WHOLE process allllllll over AGAIN. O.o
Yep, boring isn't it.
Though my life may change... I don't know if this is supposed to be a 'Wish come true' or not.
Me: Always wishing for change.
Life: boring
Reality: Not gonna happen.
My dad calls me, (thanks to my grand parents sticking their noses where they don't belong) he promises to call me everyday or every other day. Didn't happen.
Yesterday he calls my mom and argues with her about jason and how she should keep him away because of what happened so on and so fourth. >.> Thenthe bright idea comes to his mind:
"Let her move over here with me and let me raise her."
Florida.... My mom asked me if I wanted to move in with him or not.
If I moved there now, which I have the choice to or not... I would have to switch schools again.
So I suggested, how about over the summer?
My mom said okay ut said that if I liked it there better, then I could stay and she would ship all my stuff to me.
My brother said go for it. (not to get rid of me BTW!!!)
He said that I would fit in better >.> Which was rude >= (
And that it wouldn't be as stressful to worry if jason will appear or that I would be better treated and have more attention and get more things than I have.
I just shrugged and said I'll think about it. BUT!
I don't know what it'll be like to live with my... Father. O.o
It'll be too weird and I told my mom that I wouldn't trust him. (thanks to jason and his perverted SICK ******** MIND!!!!!!! ARG!!!!! sweatdrop )
She said that he wasn't like that. Well, you just can't trust people...
Wanna know what happened... Yesterday? (it feels like today since I've been awake all this time XD )
Well, my brother invited some friends over. 3 of them
I knew this and didn't mind... They all smoke weed. XP So, (since mom didn't know we had to be SHHHH about it) I stood around them while they did it, turns out I got Contact High. (inhaling the smoke causes you to get loopy too >.> wink
I had fun though, hee hee, one dude was chasing the cats and was under my bed calling Chloe a Nazi cat. XD
And we destroyed my mom's chips and salsa.
And the most jittery part of it all was when mom and jason arrived. DUN DUN DUN.....
My brother and I rushed the friends out the back door. XP Stupid Daulton jumped our fence and walked by the garadge(sp?) my mom and >.> Jason evil were.
Luckily, they didn't know about the smoking, and my mom just laughed about the fact that we had friends over and shoved them out the door. XD
Well, now I'm bored, but amused slightly by my lighting up shurt. XD It lights up when I move. yayz, and now time for more Shugo Chara! XD

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