
Markov wandered throughout his castle. He wore a half-buttoned white shirt, revealing the tattoo he had been so strictly forbidden to get by his uptight father who didn't seem to allow his rebellious son to do a thing without a guard or permission. He had on a pair of back trousers that fit him quite nicely, not too loose or baggy, tailored around the waist. He had nearly a dozen peircings in his ears, which were also strictly forbidden by his father. He was allowed to have them in only when hidden away from the world. When he was show cased infront of the kingdom and villagers, or anywhere outside of th castle walls, he was ordered, no forced to take every last one of them out. 'Peircings are for women Markov, why the hell can't you get that through your thick, stupid head?' his father would yell, occasionaly striking him with a fist or an open hand.
As Markov walked aimlessly in circles 'around the gargantuan castle, maids and butlers frantically yelled out his name, calling him to get dressed, sighn papers, hear villagers complaints, oversee preparations for god knows what. It all drove him up the wall, his head spinning with all of the pointless activites his family had him doing to keep him out of the trouble he so adored getting into.
He was in the throne room at the moment, sitting upon his fathers throne lazily, day dreaming of his days in the country, his legs over one armrest, his head laying on the other. He closed his eyes with a gentle sigh, his body and mind finally having a moment to relax.
"Markov! Maaaarkooooov!" his younger brother burst into the room. "A theif A theif! In the castle! Hurry you must hide, they are after you! Hurry brother we must go!" the boy screamed and flailed frantically, pulling and yanking at Markovs sleeves and limbs, his face red from screaming, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.
"Get off! Go! Leave me at once you ignorant little brat!" Markov yelled, shoving the boy of fourteen away, he stood, towering a bit over a foot and a half over the young man. "I want to be alone. I don't care about a thief, I may be a spoiled prince, but I can damn sure protect myself!" he said as his brother whimpered and ran away pathetically.
Hah! A thief... scoffed Markov, returning to his spot on the throne. Maybe a theif coming to kidnap him would finally give him free time, time to smoke a ciggarette perhaps, time to get away from the ridiculous world his inevitable birth had brought him into. His face was a mask of tranquility as he cleared his mind, his muscles relaxing once more as he returned to his spot on the comfortable, cushioned throne, visions of his days running through empty fields on the edge of the forest with his childhood friends, his sunkissed skin a bit pink from th exertion and running. Childhood. The innocence and delicacy of children made him smile, it brought his mind away from its usual frantic mind set.
[[PM me your reply please, be the thief or whoever, I'm not sure if this is even good or literate! guys and girls please, I don't mind either. Yaoi is my favorite!!]]

[[Pm me for a literate role play maybe? Or with a new starter, either is fine with me! I dont mind one-liners every so often, I get writers block too! and sorry if this isnt too good...I got sick of my old starter and im tired, so Im not sure if this is okay.]]