Age: Uknown
Race: Lycan, Fire Elemental.
Extra: Telepath, Telekinetic.

Years Later:

Bio: Bella was one of the best fighters in her rank, and usually no one could ever surpase her. Then when she went onto the field to fight, she was shot, and left behind, since no one could find her. But when someone had found her, she was just about dead, and, the people who found her, weren't exactly who she was expecting.
A pack of wolves found her where she had managed to crawl to. Far enough away from the fight so no one would try and kill her. She wasn't exactly aware of what was going on when the picked her up and brought her back to their home.
Since she was just about dead, they changed her so she wouldn't, and when she woke up, she had ears and a tail. She didn't know what happened, or why she was with a pack of wolves, but she was thankful, and treated them like her family.
When it was time for her to go, she swore that she wouldn't fight unless it was in self defense, and only kill animals to feed her hunger. And before she left, they gave her a large collar like thing, it also had a tag. These showed that she was forever part of the pack, and had her name, for when she was in the pack. But with the years of wearing it, the name faded, and she forgot what it was, which breaks her heart. But she will never remove the collar, not even when she bathes.
Loves: Animals, Walking.
Hates: People.
Likes: Fire, Warm Weather.
Fears: Never Remembering.