Sunday, Monday, Manga, and getting ******** by Lain
Sunday 11.1.2009
Michi felt like crap in the beginning of the day. As the day progressed it got worse. :/
Went to a soccer game. Which has been so long since I last attended one of them.
Ate out with the family. Yum. Went to Michi's favorite Chinese restaurant! WoOt WoOt.
Probably gained 10 pounds after leaving the place :0 xD
Monday 12.1.2009
Michi feels like shes getting a fever. Or at least that's how she felt the hold day. With tummy pain and with a major headache.
Michi is sad that her baby is being a b***h and causing her wallet to cry! Aka my truck. GAWD! I need a new car...T^T
Its been turning off on me. Did it to me so many times today in the morning!
Though, Yay for daddy. He fixed it!.
Hope it stays fixed for a very long time! >:0
Any who...tomorrow Michi has a date! Lol with her dad though. Actually its not a date its more like Michi gets to dress up as a secretary and go talk to people and negotiate and make business! (Nothing sexual!)
Changing the subject!
Michi is reading "Karin" Such a cute Manga! She also read "Nousatsu Rock Shounen" and "Chocolate Cosmo"
Omgosh they are all soooo awesome! I like them all very much! <3 A must read!
I'm almost done watching "Serial Experiments Lain" Hahaha people leave funny comments on the episodes. "Dude don't watch it all together or yall get brain ********!" Hahahah A lot of people seem to use that phrase "********" Sounds sooo weird yet funny.
Though Michi thinks she actually did get ******** after watching to many episodes back to back. xD