Today was pretty nice. I was able to cook breakfast for once, which I blame solely on the rain. I can't stay awake during the rain, it's practically impossible, and it rained all night! >.< There was also a bitchin' lightning strike last night! It was completely vertical and lingered for a number of seconds. Made me nostalgic of happier times for some reason.
Had to teach again in the dojo, this time akijutsu. The way I was supposed to get them to learn it was through a self defense routine which leads into about five different arm breaks, but we were only focusing on a few of them. I had to spend a deal of time with some girls on it, because they don't seem to understand directions clearly (at least that was one of the girls' problem). The big thing they kept doing wrong was not turning enough and not having a tight enough grip. I can relate, I have really feminine hands for a guy, and it really affects my grip strength, so I had the same issues when I was at their level. Basically, it was a fun class. Oh, I also almost had right elbow torn out, so that was fun too...
Later, one of the guys went into a peti mal seizure half undressed in the locker room. It was really weird though, because I've never seen someone that coherent during a seizure, because he was "gone" and walking quite naturally to the door. Made some others nervous, but I know that the best thing is to wait for them to come back...and make sure they don't smack their head on anything sharp. He was fine later though.
Now I'm fixed on finally finishing Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. The show is marvelously ridiculous, and I don't know why I let school get in the way of it. razz Which reminds me of something else, the grad application is due soon, so I've got to do that tomorrow... Yippy... =_=
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Reluctant Protagonists
We walk on two legs, not on four. To walk on four legs breaks the law. What happens when we break the law? What happens when the rules aren't fair? We all know where we go from there; back to the house of pain...
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