it has been known to me for some years now that human beings are stupid. just how stupid are they though? it seems every time i revisit this question my answer changes to "stupid than last thought".
today in school i was doodeling out of sheer bordom; drool was on it's way out of my mouth, jaw was slack and eyes were slits, the hand was moving mechanically.
as i was consumed by utter bordom a person dared appoarch me and force me to focus my eyes! i glanced up briefly and then returned to my scribble. the person then screamed "HELLO DRAWING PERSON!" in my ear and proceeded with the question, "hey, do you draw?". stare i gave the person a blank stare and returned to my picture. they then went "do you?!?!?!?" in a rather whinny voice... to which i responded, "what do you think einstien?, what does it look like i'm doing right now?"
they then asked if i could draw them. i said "sure, how much are you going to pay me?". the converstion proceedes as follows.
me: ninja
idiot: razz
razz pay you?
ninja yes, pay me. if i'm going to draw what you want then i need compensation.
razz no you don't you just need to start drawing, dumb ********!
ninja well aren't you smart, lets think together here, as you cannot figure this out on your own. how is insulting me going to get me to draw you?
razz you're a jerk, you think you're such a good artist. you just want to get money!
ninja why did you ask me to draw you then?
razz because i want you to!
ninja then pay me, please. i do not work for free. when you go to the store and pick out something you want you have to pay for it right, they don't just give it away do they?
razz you're not a store.
ninja i am an economic institutuion non the less, pay me or go away.
razz a what?
ninja instead of paying me for a picture you might want to buy a dictionary.
razz i'm not paying you
ninja then whay are you still here?
razz because i don't have my picture yet?
ninja i wont draw untill you pay me.
razz thats not fair!
ninja how so?
razz jerk!
ninja stare do you want me to draw you... IN PAIN!? *flames in eyes*
razz don't have a cow, man.
ninja i am WOman, fool! do NOT envoke my wrath!!!!
razz so are you going to draw me or what?
ninja *gets up*, *looks idiot in face*, *walks away*
razz well are you????
* ninja rests her case*
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