i have found my lovey dovey..
a person to give me hearts and... uhh..... honey? XDDD
im so excited.. hes great.. lol im great..
we just make a great couple.. and i also hear that he got a haircut of a guy who is out of this world hot <span id="test25972143">. . .</span><br/><div id="post25972143" style="display:none; margin-right:75px;"> xDDDD
but yeaa.. we'er getting married... and alot of people are invited.. XD
well the plan is... we [[ we, meaning me and leeanne]]are going to buy a whole town.. and then.. yea.. lol ^.^
OH! i havent even told yall his name..
Adam.. his name is adam... and he is my... what do u call it??
OKay... lol ttyl XDDDDDDDD