For those of you who are new around my Art
Shop, I host holiday events every month. Anyone can join in. Last month, in honor of St. Patrick's Day, I am hosted an RP called "Brain
Feast"; a sequel to my Thanksgiving / Christmas RP "Sentient Goiter".
[ Sentient Goiter is now being adapted into a short story by myself and Drakansa, for your enjoyment. ]

Do any of you remember a certain.... SENTIENT GOITER? Well, it's still loose somewhere in PCR hospital. But outside the hospital doors, there is an even greater evil cultivating like bacteria on the tongue of the city... what started as a rogue goiter has exploded, Nicolas Cage-style, into a full-blown brain feast.

Community Member
Ireland, 2029
It's been 20 years since the outbreak at PCR hospital. Not much is really known about how it all got started, or what happened within the walls of the hospital, or even about the strange evil that spread over the city from its doors... all I know is that things have gotten worse lately. The country went bankrupt, and ever since, we've had no National Guard. The division was cut from the military expenses, and police forces were replaced with a lower number of volunteers trying to keep order. The volunteers are Grinders. You might wonder why they're called that- well, I'll tell you this: there are a lot of drugs that will make you pick and scratch, but the one they government gives them causes you to grind your teeth until they're almost gone. Their overall appearance becomes quite ghastly, actually, but it's the teeth grinding that makes most people nervous. Unlike Police, The Grinders ride through the cities on motorcycles, almost like a traveling gang. I would like to say that most are just good guys, trying to keep the peace and ensure justice- but that would be a lie. They would just as soon kill you as listen to you whine about how your neighbor slashed your tires and emptied your gas tank. In fact, they were probably the one behind the crime in the first place. Most people pack guns if they can find them. Otherwise you carry a baseball bat. Or a really big rock....
The only redeeming quality of Grinders is that they will often grenade the s**t out of.... well.... for lack of a better word, zombies, at the last minute. Zombies are what happened at PCR back in the day. We don't really have a cure yet, but there is a rumor that the doctor responsible for the outbreak wasted all of the possible antidote trying to find a last minute solution. Zombies in rl, unlike in the movies, tend to change much more slowly. They think that the actual virus can lie dormant for up to 5 years, which makes all this s**t that much harder to figure out. Once full blown BBDS (Body and Brain Deterioration Syndrome) sets in, you'll definitely notice. Until then, you'd swear the poor ******** just had a high fever and was probably just having a bad trip. The strangest side effect of the virus is that in addition to the skin rotting and turning a sick green colour, the body also tend to shrink up quite a bit, as a result of rapid aging. Usually Zombies are around 2-3 feet tall, which makes most of us call them Leprezombs. We try to make fun of this, but be warned: Leprezombs will ******** YOUR s**t UP. PLEASE BE CAREFUL OUT THERE.
ZYAT: A young woman, maybe 24 years old, streches her long, shapely leg from the stirrup of her motorcycle and lands her boot on the broken asphalt of the neglected intersection. Did she really hear someone? Or was it just the building tension which had her nervous?
MACROSS ZERO: In a dark alley, a nervous shuffling drags toward an old, broken road. Was that a bike? Another run-in with the Grinders was just what he needed today. One only has so many gold watches. Then they want...favors for safety, and there was no way he was walking that path again,
ZYAT: "I did hear someone... I just hope it's not... ugh. I'm so tired of running. I'm not even that old and I'm already worn out." She waits a few moments, then kills the engine. In the dark silence of the street, the street lamps long burned out, the woman waits for another sound... her heart races as she waits- then suddenly, she hears another small sound. "Better not stay here for too long... gotta keep moving... I just thought maybe, maybe someone was still around..."
MACROSS ZERO: It stopped. God damn it. He knew they must have found him. I was only a matter of time. He always had something, after all, and they knew it. He had given out the last of his morphine today, and he knew the ruined hospital stores were rapidly thinning. With a deep sigh he moved into the lane. "Alright, you got me. What's it gonna be today?"
ZYAT: OH s**t-
her hand moves blazingly fast toward the ignition before she recognizes that the figure moving toward her poses no immediate threat.
Jesus christ- you scared the s**t out of me. Are you a civilian?
She eyes the dark figure tensely as he stands on the sidewalk, exposed to any predator. "Who is this person? i can't believe he's just standing around out on the street at night. I thought this was a quarantined sector of the state! He appears normal enough... but there's no doubt in my mind that he's a carrier. I'd better watch out.
MACROSS ZERO: "Yeah. I run an, ah, delivery service out here. I'd tell you it gets dangerous out here, but from the look of you, you already know. You...look familiar. Have we met?" He stepped closer. Tall, thin, around twenty. Short, dark hair covered half his face.
ZYAT: Her senses immediately put her on edge.
Listen, a*****e, if you think I'm just some cheap-
She takes a closer look- "Oh my god... I think we do know eachother..." Moving her hand slowly toward his face, she hesitates before moving the hair away from his face. She recognizes him immediately, but wishes she hadn't. She drops her hand and turns her face away, the rare human contact the only thing keeping her glued to the spot.
MACROSS ZERO: "D...Doctor? Are you serious?" He was shocked. After twenty years, it couldn't be. She looked just like he remembered. "I think...I, no, you couldn't. You weren't infected were you?"
His contact with the creature had apparent side effects, the most notable being the utter lack of one eye, generally covered by his hair.
ZYAT: No... I'm.. her daughter.
"His depth perception must me off since he seems to have lost an eye... maybe he doesn't recognize me..." She attempts to avoid eye contact, but the unexpected stranger woas not done examining her face. He gently touches her chin and turns her face in his direction. "Why am I not punching him?"
Why are you- a sudden noise catches the attention of the two figures in the street.
... Get on the bike. We have to leave.
MACROSS ZERO: "Ah, well that makes sense. You aren't mine are you? Memory been a bit fuzzy lately. I've got a glass..." It occurs to him that now is not the time. "Bike. Yes. Thank you." He clumsily slides aboard.
ZYAT: The young woman stares wide-eyed into the darkness of the decroded suburb, knowing full well that something was nearby. Something evil, in fact. She holds her aluminum baseball bat in one hand as she turns the key in the ignition with the other. The second she feels Zero's arms around her waist, she lifts her boot off the ground and is off through the city once again- a tree limb still shaking in her peripheral vision.
"You really don't remember me, do you? Well, I'm definitely NOT your daughter, if that's what you're getting at. My mother never gave birth to me- she extracted her own DNA to make a sperm to impregnate a colleague. It was an experiment in human cloning. Looks like it worked pretty well. Listen, I shouldn't yell like this over the engine- we need to keep close watch to make sure we're not being followed. Here's where I shut the ******** up so we don't get killed."
Another tree limb bobs up and down to her left, as if something was perched there only a moment ago.... "Oh s**t.... we were still for too long. I'm sure they noticed us----" Suddenly, a strange creature darts out from a side street at the motorcycle, lunging with great speed for the two passengers. The woman swerves with skill and doubles back toward the small green offender and readies her baseball bat- SSHHHHHPING!/ CRACK! She makes solid impact with the thing's skull, the recoil sending the vehicle off-balance for a split second, adding to the disorientation.
MACROSS ZERO: Zero watched the tiny green, bloodied lump bounce behind them. It had been a while since he saw one. He supposed he was due. From the inside of his coat he drew a rusty bloodied crow bar.
"You worry about driving! I'll take these shits!"
He tried to think back. Old as the Doc's daughter/clone looked he must have been working the lab when she was...born? Crafted? Easy-Baked? She mentioned sperms and eggs and such, but on a night like this two and two could easily make some sort of pastry.
ZYAT: All I know is that you better ******** aim well, because the first time you miss one of those sons of bitches, I will personally throw you of my bike and be gone.
As she speeds from the city that she once knew so well, she encounters an unusual fog rolling in. Awww s**t- this fog looks bad.... we need to get out of the damned city and back on the road- but I can't see a ******** thing- where are we??? What time is it? Where is the moon? Which way is north?? I have no way of knowing where anything is! I'll just have to travel in one direction and hope I get back on the highway....
Well, Dr. Zyat and I are damn near identical, so I've been told. And I'm warning you, I have most of her memories. You see, her expiriment wasn't merely to make a body like her own. It was to literally make a copy of herself. As I said, it mostly worked, but there had to be a secondary host, so, I'm half someone else too- only I didn't get their memories... it's complicated and I'm starting to go hoarse- suffice it to say that I remember you- from her memories. My memories....
MACROSS ZERO: "That's pretty damn cool. I had no idea she...uhm, you were working on something so incredible"
The wind, harsh on his face reminded him that, not so long ago, it wouldn't have been a big deal. His sensations had dulled quite a-
The rotted green terror leaped out from behind a lamppost toward the bike. Zero took a single swing and bashed it into the ground. "Nothing like watchin' 'em roll, huh?"
ZYAT: It never ceases to freak me the ******** out when one comes out of the woodwork. Alhtough, I've noticed I haven't seen many around lately- it concerns me. I know they're not dying out... so they must be... collecting somewhere... but where?
Just before the young woman could say another word, she felt a strange sensation throughout her entire body; the road ahead, concealed by a thick fog, was completely caved in- a treacherous drop-off from which a fall was unlikely to be survived. She braked hard, jerking the wheel to the right, but the back tire began to slip from the edge of the cliff, bits of gravel breaking orbit and falling silently to the eerie and unexplainable chasm below.
Holy s**t! Jump off- JUMP OFF!!!
The woman threw her body from the motorcycle, her body's innate senses careful not to exert unnecesary force onto the bike itself, for fear of pushing it to its doom with greater speed.
On the ground, her face slightly bloodied from contact with the asphalt, the young woman regained her consciousness and realized that her reunited counterpart (not to mention her vehicle) were nowhere in sight.
Oh s**t.... she looks around ... Oh s**t..... Ooooooh s**t.
Hesitant to call out into the darkness, she waited a moment to listen for any sign of movement.... nothing. Only a creeping, deluding silence. No Zero... no leprezombs... no... no..... NO WEAPONS.
Oh this is bad. I'm ********.