That was an old one, but it's one of my favorites heart It's my character Dameon as his original self. He actually wasn't as pretty, well he could be but he was a fighter so he never put any effort into it.

I took that picture too, it was up at this ranch we camp at, it didn't look THAT creepy XD But it was still so awesome!

Thaaaat would be Dameon's brother/lover, Kyos.... he's lust incarnate sooo he's not human and a total narcissistic flirt XD

Ummm, are you a Bleach fan? Because I am sweatdrop Zaraki Kenpachi is my favorite.

Oooold self portrait XD

That's a guy, he's basically the template for all my rp characters, well most of them, he has no p***s, he's a herm technically.

A flippin' cute little snap dragon I made in Illustrator!

Me wearing my favorite wig XD

And I just thought that was awesomely creepy. XD


More Zaraki @w@

Those are my lips >w> ... not those lips but you know, my face lips, they looked all weird and saturated >w<

This was ONE LUCKY SHOT!!!