It ain't Murder if you beg for it.
I walked home after the battle, and on my way home, I saw something I've never noticed before a store by the name of, "Bed, Bath, and Beyond." I've herd of those in my history class, but never actually seen one, I've herd stories of this one, but never actually seen it, as Xambler or not, just never noticed it I guess. So one time I was talking to my friend and I herd in a different conversation that there was a technological expert in the store. So I decided to go in and check it out.
"Welcome, you must be Takashi Hatao, your step-father talked highly of you when you were a child.", said the person behind the front desk. "Who are you?", I asked him. "A friend of your step-fathers, one who helped him kidnap your mother in the first invasion back in 2215.", he said, "My name is Eric Jakis you've probably herd of me, i'm the technological expert.", he finished and my jaw dropped, "You're the technological expert?!", I asked. "Yes, do you need help with anything, Xambler?", ok, now i'm confused, it's one thing to know my real name, but to know who I really am is creepy. "Well, we can skip formalities now, lets go somewhere more empty, is there a back room?" I asked, "Yes actually lets go." he answered. We walked to the back and he unlocked a door that said,
'Employee only'. So we were in this space and he walked to another door, which he opened. We then walked down a long stair case and ended up in a large lab, with all these beakers, flasks, and other science crap. "So what is it that you need?", he asked.
Natalie was walking around shopping, she was looking for clothes for her date with Takashi that night, and she didn't wanna look slobby. She went into the dressing room when all of a sudden she herd police sirens, the door to the store opened, and she herd a man talk to the clerk, "You b***h, you say anything I blow your damn head off!" he yelled, "Okay, okay, just please, don't shoot!" the clerk said, "Gimme your money, and take off your clothes you stupid b***h!" he ordered, "Okay, please don't hurt me..." she started to cry, then Natalie covered her mouth and pulled her phone out to call Takashi. His phone rang and rang while she was in there, so she texted him, S.O.S.
Back to Takashi...
"Okay, so you think you can have it ready today?" I asked, "Yeah, come back in about an hour, I've never seen this sort of thing before so it'll take thirty to analyze it, and another thirty to make a pill to keep it from happening." he replied, "Okay," I said, "I'll be back my girlfriend needs help anyways be back in an hour." I finished then I walked out the door ran into and allyway and jumped up high, then with a clap of my hands, I yelled, "SHIA KA ZING!!!!" and flew up to the clock tower, I whipped out my phone and texted Natalie, What's wrong? a second later, Your b***h is gonna die you idiot, no thanks to you, haha, i'm the person whose about to rape her hahaha!!!! "Grr, Okay time to kill this guy." I said out loud, I used my power of mind sight and I flew in the direction Natalie was in.
"Alright you stupid hoe, take your clothes off, i'm gonna rape then kill you, if you say anything while i'm doing it i'll snap your neck." the man said, "No, i'm not doing anything for you!" Natalie yelled, kicking the man in his crotch. The man yelled and grabbed Natalie's neck then slapped her in the face. "You b***h, don't you understand no one can save you?" he said, "He will..." Natalie whispered under her breath. The man cut Natalies shirt off and pulled her pants down.
"Haha, hope you enjoy it's the only thing-" He was inturrupted, the glass broke and something flew through and hit the man in the stomach. "Alright, this is the end for you." I said, I looked at the clerk's dead body, then I looked at natalie, who was only in her Bra and underwear. I walked to the man and picked him up by his neck and threw him through a window. "Augh, who are you?!?!", the man yelled, stunned. I picked him up by his shirt, "Who am I?", I asked, then I punched his face in. Literally. "I'm your worst nightmare." I ran to Natalie and hugged her then I picked a shirt and pants off a rack and gave them to Natalie to wear. Then it was off to business, I flew back to Eric's lab, he had the formula ready, I was finally gonna be able to fight the shadowman and take care of the beast within. I took the pill and went home, then went to sleep.
I woke to my alarm the next morning, time for school, I got ready and left to go to school, and to my luck there was a quiz that day. History. I took it without any sweat, then at the end of the day, I went to Natalie's locker, "Hi!", she said oddly in a happy voice, "Hey baby, you seem really happy today, what's up?" I asked. "Well, after yesterdays antic i'm happy you're here!" she said, she was talking about me killing that creep. "Oh yeah, i'm happy you texted me before it was too late, you're mine, and if anyone touches you, they'll get their face punched in.
"Touch." said James, my best friend, said. "Anyone but you James...hahah" I said, "So what's up Takashi, hello natalie." he said. "Hi james, how are you?" she asked, "I'm fine Natalie." he replied, then a teacher walked up behind him and grabbed his ear, "James Heist! you get in my classroom now you have a detention today, remember?!" yelled the teacher who dragged him away, he waved us good-bye. "When will he learn..." I said to myself, then me and Natalie left and I walked her home and kissed her good-bye and walked home myself, and guess what, the shadowman was there...
_End Transmition...
View User's Journal
this is a story about a kid who finds he has special powers in the year 2219 and tries to put the world back to how it was, and take down the dictator.
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