1.do you believe in magic?yup
2.do you like turtles?i like turtles XD
3.are you currently bored?eh not rilli
4.whats your favorite emotion?loving
5.whats your favorite web site?i have lots...
6.do you think you will ever finish this?maybe not????
7.whats your favorite day of the year?aug 10 cuz thats my b day
8.are you a drama person?it depends in what situation
9.do you believe in god?Yep... cause its he is in my religion
10.are you annoyed yet?nope
11.do you like nerds?the candy yup
12.chacolate bar or banana?chocolate =D
13.cake or mustard?cake =O
14.crazy face or mellow man?CRAZYY
15.peanut or butter?o.o PEANUT BUTTER...
16.lol or laugh out loud?lol
17.devil or god?GOD
18.pizza or milkshake?milkshake =O
19.door or glass?door (keep on running into them)
20.healthy or not so good?healthy
21.computer or television?comp
22.carpet or wallpaper?carpet
23.quiz or test?quiz
24.dog or cat?both dude
25.chair or couch?couch
26.would a teleportation chamber be better if it was invented instead of a phone?no i love my phones biggrin
27.yugurt or Jell-O?hahaha u spelled yogurt wrong XD jello
28.candle or incent?candle so i can blow it out =D
29.fishing or burping?fishie =D
30.laugh or cry?laugh
31.are you annoyed yet?nop...
32.vacume or steam cleaner?vaccum
33.preview or submit?submit
34.kitten or puppy?kitten
35.School or summer?SUMMER(kinda school)
36.table or chair?table
37.eyes or pelvis?wat the heck is pelvis????
38.queestion 36 or 19?19
39.what was the first question i asked you? um i think i was do u like turtles!!!!!
40.do you like horses?they're oki...
41.rubber band or star bursts?STAR BURST
42.pain or glory?GLORY
43.1 or 2?1
44.50,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, candies or 35 candies?35 candies (dunt want 2 much candy...)
45.if you had a head ach on a car ride would you take drama mean or candied ginger?HUH???
46.make up a question and then answer it
47.what was your question?Do you love someone (that isnt in ur family)
48.what was the answer?YES
49.why did you just answer me?because...
50.because why?how did u know i said because!!!
51.are you annoyed yet?not rillii
52.why are you continuing this quiz?i wana FINISH
53.are you sure?yes
55.did you know your on question 55?the main question is how do u kno that???? stressed
56.cerealy?yeah cerealy XD
57.pawsitivley absolutely?pawsitivly absolutely!
58.is this quiz dumb?no
59.do you like puppies?yeah o.o
60.do you kick puppies?never T.T
61.are you happy?yeah
62.are you bored?no
63.are you sure?o.o YES
64.have I repeated questions?i think so
65.how many?i dunno...
66.how many times?I DUNNO
67.are you a girl?yup
68.are you a boy?no
69.you sure?well i got boobs so i am a girl
71.do you like ice cream?yeah
72.whats the best flavor?cookie dough
73.you sure?...yes mister
74.is it chocolate?no...
76.do you like light?it depends...
77.do you like dark?maybe...
78.is this quiz just nonesenceness?i guess so O.O
79.are you annoyed yet?nope ill tell u wen i am
80.do dead bodies disturb you?no...(yes)
81.did you know your not close to finishing?yeah...
82.is this quiz long enough for you?yepp
83.do you like chicken?yup yummy
84.are you a veggie terrain?hahahahaha .....nope
85.are you a comedy person?sometimes
86.are you a human?no im a panda... YES IM A HUMAN
87.do you kill things?maybe...
88.have you ever shop lifted?never~
89.did you tell the truth?yes
90.you sure?YES
91.do you know who Winnie the pooh is?hahaahah yepp
92.who is he?a character in the show winnie the pooh XD
93.who is his tiger friends name?kanggaroo
94.you sure?YES
95.does he know Christopher robin?yes
96.does Winnie the pooh have a girl friend?no...
97.do you have brothers or sisters?sister 1 and 2 bros
98.how many?1 sister and 2 bros
99.what are their names?allan,robert,and joan
100. are you happy your on question 100?(don’t be)no because i have 1000 more...
101.do you have any pets?yeah...
102.what kind(s)?fish ,cat,dog
103.what is their/its/ name(s)?kitty,son,scout,kasey,and nemo
104.do you like it/them?y would u ask that o.o
105.are you sure?huh o.o
206.really?-.- stop repeating questions
107.do you like quizzes?yeah
108.brush or comb?brush
109.clock or watch?watch even though i dunt have 1
110.blue or black?Black
111.question mark or exclamation mark?EXCLAMATION MARK!
112.people or pets?people
113.do you like this quiz yet?yup
114.what question are you on?114
115.what question were you on before that?113
116.and before that?112
117.and before that?111
118.and before that?110
119.and before that?109
120.and before that?108
121.and before that?107
122.are you tired of answering that question?nope
124.make up a question and answer it
125.what was the question?can u please stop repeating questions
126.what was the answer?U ANSWER IT
128.are you sure?yes im very very sure
129.are you tired of me asking that?YES
130.who is your best friend?katie
132.where did you meet them?elementary school
133.are you in love?yep
134.with who?a boy duh.......
137.where did you meet?school
138.are you annoyed yet?eh... nope
139.how many questions have you answered?138
140.how many truthfully?139
141are you sure?eh
143.do you like people?it depends who o.o
144.what animal part do you wish you had? like wings?wings XD
145.carrot or blanket?blanket
146.gaiaonline or club penguin?gaia fsho
147.you sure?yes
148.have you played club penguin?yeah but i quit on the first time
149.have you played Gaia?-.- duh
150.do you think your done?no T.T
151.do you believe in magic?...
152.have I already asked you that question?yes
153.pencil or paper?paper
154.paws or feet?paws
155.curtains or blinds?curtains
156.bambo or oak tree wood?bamboo
157.hat or hair?hair
158.sparkle or twinkle?twinkle twinkle little star XD
159.have you ever seen Carlets web?U SPELLED IT WRONG AGAIN and yeah...
160.who were the 3 main characters(hint) girl pig spider.?Wilbur charlete and someone else
161.do you own a turtle?no...
162.what question are you on?162
163.do you have a game system?yepp
164.what one?wii, DS
165.how many games do you have for it?to many 2 count
166.what games?2 many 2 say
167.you sure?yea
168.bananas or chocolate?u asked already o.o
169.banana dipped in chocolate?yumm
170.strawberry or chocolate?strawberry
172.dolls or action figure?none o.o
173.emotions or games?dont play with emotions o.o
174.emotional games?ahhhhhh
175.questions or answers?both
176.picture or photo?photo
177.glass or plastic?glass *ouch*
178.sister or brother?i onno
179.what questions have you answered?179 and down
180.what is the first 5 letters in the square root of pi?there rnt letters in pi o.o
181.are you tired?y would i be
182.are you annoyed yet?i guess...
183.is your favorite snack a cheese it?cheez its XD
184.do you like ice cream?o.o i already said yes
185.is there some in your freezer right now?no T.T
186.are you sure?yeah
187.did you check?yup
188.did you answer the last few questions truthfully?yeah
189.you sure?yes...
190.make up a question and answer it
191. What was question?did u get annoyed from quiz
192. What was the answer?YESSSSS
193. Was that the correct answer?duh o.o
194. Think of a complicated math problem. What is it?2/3*245*2/2*16452*1/34*354*53/4*35/4*3/45*4
195. Whats the answer?dunno
196. You sure?yeah
197. Really?no
198. You positive?no...
199.for certain?eh...
200.do you like peanut butter?SALMONELLA!!!
201.you sure?SALMONELLA
202.did you know i like peanut butter too?SALMONELLA
204.what does this emotion mean? rofl:Rolling On Floor Laughing
205.did you know my hands are tired?rilli?
206.what time do you think it was when i made this question?mignight?
207.are you really really sure?no
208.truely?its a guess
209.how many people are in your house right now?me only
210.did you know someone is in your house, right behind you?(jk)ahhh scary
211.do you like stuffed animals better or real animals?stuffed
212.what was your answer for the last question?stuffed
213.are you scared of clowns?creepyyy...... yeah
214.what is the name of my sister?how should i know
215.WRONG! do you like chickens?o.o
216.do you kick chickens?o.o
217.you sure?o.o
218.*animal abuser* do you love animals?yeah
219.do you drink?NO
220.are you athletic?not much
221.are you annoyed now?yeah
222.why not?o.o
223.are you a big drama person?sometimes
224.do you like quizzes?yeah
225.what time is it?9:36
226.were you aware of the current time?yeah
227.you sure?no...
228.were you lying about the past two questions?maybe...
229.you sure?eeeeehhhhhhh
230.do you like yogurt?its oki
231.im bored, are you?yep...
232.what do you think I was eating while I made this quiz?food XD
233.is this a long quiz?yeah...
234.is it long enough for you?YES
235.do you like bacon?who doesnt XD
236.do you like hot pockets?sometimes
237.cake or rubber bands?cake 4 parties, rubber bands 4 shooting
238.Metalica or Switch foot?(band)METALICA
239.lolz, apple or the number 7?apple...
240.do you like hugs?yesh ^.^
241.have you ever been hugged?duh -.-
242.do you know what snuggling is?yep ^.^
243.do you believe in fairies?o.o im a PIxie
244.is that true?yes well... kinda
245.do you believe in Santa Claus?i do believe in my parents if thats wut u mean lol
246.are you tired already?yep...
247.do you think this is really long?o.o yeah
248.what question are you on?248
249.now what question?249
250.now what question?250
251.now what question?251
252.are you tired of me asking that?nope ^.^
253.what is the weirdest thing about you?i do random things at random times
254.ever gone on a date with a crazy person?never
255.Armodillo or chinchilla?armodillo
256.people or mustard?people
257.planet or space?o.o wich planet XD
258.plane or helicopter?plane
259.humaine? in humane?0.0
260.this quiz or different quiz?THIS quiz
261.yawn or sneeze?yawn (no eww ing)
262. how many times do you sneeze a day?i dunno
263.have you ever eaten poop?gross...
264.tail or wings?wings
265.if you had a super power what would it be?x-ray vision hahahaha jk
266.do you smoke?never!hate the smell
267.does anyone you know smoke?yep...
268.do you wan to smoke?NOPE (look at #266)
269.have you ever smoked?nope
270.are you tired of hearing about smoking?yepp please change topic ^.^
271.you sure about that?yess please >.<
273.do you like babies?wich 1?
274.do you kick babies?*gosh i hope not* sad nooo i didnt do it >.<
275.are you mean?no*cough*maybe
276.are you nice?yes
277.are you in between?mostly
278.are you sure?yes
279.is that your final correct answer?that is my final answer
280.do you believe in second life?huh 0.0
281.do you believe there’s life out in space?i hope not... they're gana kill us >.<
282.are you annoyed yet?*sigh* yes
283.do you swear on a regular basses?no...
284.is swearing fun to you?no...
285.did you know that your on question 285?rilli!!!
286.do you like this quiz so far?its long... not even half way!
287.is it boring?yes but im gana finish it!
288.you sure?yes
289.how long did it take you to get this far?dunno...
290.are you tired of the quiz already?no
291.you sure?yes
292.are you tired of me asking reinforcement questions?yes...
294.you sure about that?STOP IT
295.are you still happy?ehh a little bit
296.do you think you’ll beat my quiz?YES
297.you think so?yep ^.^
298.are you a family person?huh o.o
299. Are you an Animal person?eh... kinda
300. Yay, you made it to question 300! are you happy?kinda... not half way yet...
301. Will you finish this quiz?YESH
302. Why are you still doing this quiz?because i wana finish it
303. Are you happy with this quiz?no...
304. Are you tired of me saying quiz?yes
305. You sure?YES
306. Do you like cookies or muffins?muffin
307. Spam or lettuce?spam(the food)
308.38 Or 37?huh o.o
309. Confused or not confused?confused
310.is this a long quiz?yeah...
311.is a pig nasty to you?wich pig... the person at my school??? hahah jk
312.have you ever eaten dirt?dunt think so o.o
313.do you like bugs?wich 1s XD
314.pizza or French fry?pizza
315.cake or pie?pie ^^
316.door knob or hanger?door knob
317. Motercycle or race car?motorcycle
318.dirt or lemonade?wat kind of lemonade o.o
319.scissors or glasses?scissors
320.I or we?WE
321.me or you?me
322.hat or bat?bat
323.bat or rat?bat
324.rat or Nat?rat
325.nat or sat?sat
326.slip or fall?fall
327.danger or safe zone?DANGER
328.crazy person or mellow person?crazy
329.do you like birds?blue jays ^.^
330.do you kick birds?no o.o
331.were you lying about the last two questions?No
333.you sure?yes -.-
334.do fat people disgust you?mostly *no offence*
335.have you ever cheated on a girl friend/ boyfriend?no...
336.do you have a boy friend/ girl friend?not now
337.have you had your first kiss yet?...
338.do you hate anyone?yes
339.who?*no names told*
340.can you say you have been in love?yes
341.how many questions have you answered?340
342.how many truthfully?339
344.you sure?uh huh
345.what does this emotion mean?everything
346. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?cookie dough
347. What's your favorite pizza topping?pepperoni
348. Have you ever seen a shark up close before?yepp ^.^
349. Do you have a nickname? If yes what is it?look at my profile *about me*
350. Have you ever gotten stung by a bee?no...
351. Have you ever been to Las Vegas?yepp
352. Are you on a vacation right now?nope i wish
353. Do you have an i-pod?no >.<
354. Do you have an mp-3 player?no >.<
355. Do you have a cd player?yes lol
356. Ever heard of the i-phone?yeah o.o
357. Did you really think you were done with this quiz? no
358. Have you ever helped out someone who was hacked?yepp
359. Have you ever served in the military?no..
360. Should GAIA have a GAIAN church?o.o i unno
361. What new things would you like to see at the Gaia shops?i unno
362. What do you think about the new GAIAN cars?i unno
363. Would you like to have a full set of donation items given to you if you donated “If you donate to Gaia and get a full set of armor with a weapon to outfit your AVI”?o.o huh
364. Do you think it would be cool to have a Gaian music station?yeah
365. What kind of music would you like to have for this station?all kinds exept country
366. Would you like to see more specialty shops on Gaia?yeah
367. How long have you been on Gaia?1 year
368. With all of the different AVI themes out there would you like to see Themed homes?sure
369. As an example would it be cool to have the outside of your home look like a Gothic Structure or a Medieval castle? Nah, not for me!!
370. How many times a week do you log onto Gaia?almost evvery day
371. What is the longest time spent on Gaia?i dunno
372. What is the shortest time spent on Gaia?1 sec
373. How often do you get bumped off line?huh o.o
374. What is you’re favorite donation item?i dunno
375. Have you ever had breakfast for dinner?i think so
376. What do you think about the Gaian World map?no
377. Would you like to see an expansion on the Gaia world?nuuuuuuuu
378. If you could add a new game to the Gaia games what would it be?puzzles
379. Do you like how the Avatars look?yup
380. If you could change how they looked what would you change?everything
381. What pets would you like to see?hamsters
382. Do you have a Gaia pet?no
383. Do you have any brothers or sisters?both
384. Older or younger?oler
385. Do you play Video games? Every other months!!
386. What game systems do you have?alot
387. What is your all time favorite Video Game?fashion show
388. Have you ever been to a Video Arcade?yup
389. When was the last time you went?jan
390. Hand held or Console?hh
391. Flash light or oil Lamp?flah light
392. Camping or amusement park?amusment park
393. Video Cassettes or DVD?dvd
394. New car or Classic car?new
395. Cat person or Dog person?cat
396. Good book or TV?tv
397. Card games or Board games?both
398. Spray paint or Paint brush?paint brush
399. Is this quiz getting hard yet?alittle
400. Magic the Gathering or Pokemon?none
401. Who is youy hero?diana
402. Angelic or Demonic?angelic
403. Do you RP often? That’s my everyday thing to do!!
404. What was the best thing you ever received in the daily chance?everything
405. Do you prefer winter games or summer games?both
406. Precious gems or precious metals?gems duh
407. Do you have any hobbies?fashion
408. Have you ever been asked to do something you were not comfortable doing?yup
409. Have you ever shop lifted?hell no
410. Are you telling the truth on the previous question?well duh
411. What is your favorite flavor of gum?blueberry
412. Ever have a Jaw Breaker?yup
413. Did it break your jaw?nope
414. What is the spiciest food you ever ate?none
415. What was your favorite kid’s book?knuffle bunny
416. What was your favorite toy as a kid?dolls
417. Did you ever play cow boys and Indians as a kid?no y
418. Have you ever cheated on a test?maybe not
419. Did you pass?yup
420. Chess or Checkers?i dunno....
421. Monster truck or Low rider?monster truck
422. What is you favorite holiday?christmas cuz meh gets alot of gifts
423. Silk or Satin?silk of course
424. Hunting or fishing?fishing
425. Cheerios or Lucky charms?cheerios thats my user
426. Are you a morning person?not much
427. What is the worst thing you ever did to someone?hurt them
428. Shower or bath?shower
429.Do you watch cartoon network?yup
430. what is your favorite cartoon?pucca
431. Glasses or Contact lenses?contact lense
432. Magazine or News paper?magazine
433. Kool aide or Soda pop?kool aid
434. Do you prefer a mouse, track ball or touch pad?touch pad
435. Traditional monitor or LCD screen?both
436. What is the easiest pet to take care of?cat
437. Have you ever had a Water balloon fight?heck ya
438. Do you think sculls are cool?yup
439. Dragons or fairies?fairies
440. Fast food or home cooked meal?fast food
441. Pizza or Burgers?burgers
442. Baseball or Football?football
443. Nascar or Monster truck Rally?i dont kno
444. Have you ever lived in a Mobile home?nope
445. Have you ever seen a tornado?nope
446. Ever watch Johnny Bravo?ya
447. What did you think of it?kewl
448. Would you rather shop at a discount store or a retail store?discount store
449. Are you a slave to fashion?of course scream
450. Cash or credit?cash
451. Do you wear boots or shoes to work / school?yap
452. If you were an international spy what country would you work for?any
453. Good guy or bad guy?good guy by the way meh is a girl
454. St uffed animals or squirt guns?squirt guns
455. Paper or plastic?paper
456. do you have a rubber ducky (grins)?no
457. What is the oldest coin you ever got back in change?1995
458. Do you use hair conditioner?ya
459. T-shirt or sweat shirt?t shirt
460. Do you pick on you little brother / sister?none
461. If you could choose an instrument to be what would you be?violin
462. Why would you choose to be that instrument?cuz its traditional
463. If you could change something about you what would it be?make me pretty
464. What color id your hair?dark brown with highlights
465. Do you use any hair color?yup
466. What is your favorite shampoo?any
467. What is the longest time you went without bathing and why?......
468. Would you ever date a Nerd?nope
469. Do you prefer shopping on line or at the store?at tha store
470. Ever play store tag?maybe?????
471. Have you ever rearranged a store display?no
472. Trapper keeper or clip board?clip board
473. Do you like shopping for school supplies?yup
474. Ever been excited to go back to school?no
475. Do you look forward to summer break?yep
476. Would you get mad if they made school all year long?hell ya
477. Would you still be mad if school only lasted till noon?i dont kno
478. Are your parents / kids weird?no
479. What is your favorite wild animal?any
480. Do you think bugs are creepy?eeh
481. Ever rub two pennies together?no
482. Do you have a night light?yup
483. What color is your night light? regular color
484. Ever sleep on a water bed?on y....
485. If you could pick a time in the past to live in and when would it be?i dunno
486. Cake or Pie?cake
487. Ice cream or cookies?ice cream
488. Would you ever ride on a motor cycle?ya its fun
489. What is your favorite past time?wen i was born
490. If you could be an animal what would it be?kitty
491. Ever play Laser tag?ya is awesome
492. Have you ever hacked anyone before?i dont kno how to hack
493. What did you have for breakfast this morning?nope not yet
494. Do you have a favorite outfit?yup
495. Do you like comedy?hell ya
496. do you like Horror?not much
497. Do you like Science Fiction?y r u askin g this question
498. Do you like Drama?alittle bit
499. Ever watched a Docudrama?no y
500. Would you prefer having wings or a tail?wings yay
501. Flowers or Trees?flowers smelly
502. Would rather ski or snow board?snow board i tried it ones
503. Where is the worst place you ever had to go to sleep?living room
504. What would be you worst day ever?when i get in trouble
505. What is your scariest nightmare?my mom dieing
506. If you could be a pilot would you fly a plane or a helicopter?none of this
507. Snow or sand?snow we can hav a snowball fight
508. Brick or wood?i don relly kno
509. Who is your favorite loony toon?bugs bunny
510. Hey did you know that you have more questions to answer?i knew that in the beginning
511. Are you aware that you just past the half way mark?no y....
512.Are you sick of this quiz yet?not much
513. Do you think 50K is worth all of this work?hell no
514. Have you ever taken a 1000 question quiz before?nope not ever in my life
515. Have you ever owned a pet rock?no sad
516. Did you paint your pet rock? question
517. Ever hit a girl before?yup my bff katie i bite 2 so watch out
518. Did she deserve it?nope
519.Have you ever pushed your little brother / sister down?they push meh down
520. Ever put tape on the feet of your cat?nop but i wanna try
521. What was the funniest joke you ever told?none
522. What is the best prank you ever pulled?pranking my bff that i talked to strangers in the road
523. Did they find out who did it?did wat question question question question
524. Ever pull the wings off of a fly?yup
525. Have you ever used a magnifying glass to burn ants?heck yup
526. Ever made fun of a clown?no
527. Have you ever had a pie in the face?no but a cake
528. Ever freak out your baby sitter?yep thats my job dude
529. Have you ever fallen out of a tree?ya wen i was 6
530. How many arms do you have?2
531. Do you have any really cool scars?on my face
532. How did you get them?birth mark
533. Ever stuck a bucket on your head?maybe rolleyes
534. Did it get stuck?i dont no
535. Ever yelled at your parents?yup
536. Have you ever slipped on ice and recreated a scene from a cartoon?no not ever
537. How much change do you have in your pocket?im broke not
538. How much lint do you have in your pocket?none actually
539. Do you own a stained t-shirt?nope my shirts are all clean
540. Ever rip your pants out?no i tried that on my bff
541. Have you ever lost your pants in public? rolleyes
542. Have you ever been bitten by a dog?ya by a devil one
543. Ever hit your thumb with a hammer?no i dont use stuff like that
544. Have you ever sewn your homework to the teacher’s finger to your project?yup
545. When was the last time you got a paper cut?2007
546. Have you ever sliced your finger while cutting veggies?ya but it was wen i was cutting mango thou
547. What question do you think I will ask next?i dont no
548. Is this quiz getting old yet?i little
549. Have you ever egged some ones house before?hoe should i kno
550. Did you ever play with matches as a kid?yup
551. Are you crazy for playing with matches?yepp
552. Ever light off fire works?yup a bunch
553. Have you ever been hit by a fire work?yup on my bare feet
554. Are you scared of fire works?no there kewl
555. Have you ever blown up a model with firecrackers?no
556. How far is your computer from your room?no far
557. Does your family own more than one computer?yup
558. Do you mess with telemarketers?wat
559. What was the worst thing you did to a telemarketer?wat
560. Have you ever made a prank phone call?yepp on my bffs bff
561. Have you ever fallen off the top Bunk?nope
562. Have you ever taken all of the batteries out of the remote controls in the house?maybe not maybe yup
563. Do you like your neighbors?not much
564. Have you ever seen an episode of South Park?hell ya
565. Ever gotten angry at a video game?mostly
566. What is your girl / boy friend’s birthday?i dont have one i want one
567. Do you know when your parents birthday?yup
568. Do you know how old they are?yup my mom
569. Do you have a cell phone?yepp aolt though
570. Have you ever lost your cell phone?all tha time
571. What was the longest time you where grounded for?i dont get grounded goes on my family
572. Do you own any holey socks?all y sock s dont have holes i them
573. What color are your eyes?dark brown
574. What color are your Girl / Boy Friend’s eyes?dont have one duh
575. What is the worst tasting thing you ever drank?sprit wit ash
576. What is the worst tasting thing you ate?i dont kno
577. Have you ever eaten a bug? No
578. Have you ever been sprayed by a skunk?nope
579. What is the closest you have been to a wild animal?a gecko
580. Have you ever goosed an EMU {GRINS}?wat
581. Have you ever been spanked?nope never in my life
582. Have you ever talked back to your parents?eeehhhh
583.What did they do when you talked back?slaped me in tha face
584. What is the weirdest food combination you ever created?sausage wit rice
585. Do you like beef jerky?yup
586. Have you ever shot a deer?ehh
587. Have you ever tortured a stuffed toy?alot
588. Have you ever thrown up on someone?no
589. What is the worst smell in the world?farts
590. Have you ever changed a poopy diaper?yepp my cousins
591. Can you draw a straight line?here _________ see its straight
592. Have you ever fallen down the stairs?yup and hit my head
593. Have you ever slipped on a banana peel?no i did that to my sis
594. Have you ever been burned?ya by the stove
595. Have you ever been treated for poison ivy / oak?no
596. Ever skinned your knee?alot of times
597. Have you ever wrecked on your bike?no y.......
598. When was the last time?nope
599. Have you built a snow fort?no i wish
600. Have you ever made mud pies?yepp
601. Did you make your little brother eat that mud pie?no
602. Have you gone river rafting?i want 2
603. What is the farthest distance you have ever traveled?here from philiphins
604. Ever been on a Zamboni?a wat
605. Can you roller skate?no almost
606. How many chores do you have?none
607. Do you paint your toe nails?alot
608. Ever made the world’s largest snow ball during recess?no it doent snow here
609. Have you ever played king of the hill?tha how
610. Have you ever had a fire cracker go off in your hand?no
611. Did it hurt?no
612. Have you ever fallen asleep during class?heck no
613. Did you drool on your desk?no
614. Have you ever played paint ball?i almost did
615. Have you dated a cheer leader?no in a girl shhs
616. Have you dated the captain of the football team?no
617. What did you have for lunch today?chicken muggetts
618. Can you describe the perfect date?no evil
619. What was the most expensive date you ever had? mrgreen
620. Did you have more than one date for the prom?
621. Have you ever been in a parade?
622. Do you like rats?
623. Have you ever fed a snake?
624. Who is your favorite actor?
625. Who is your favorite actress?
626. If you could be anything what would you be?
627. Are you offended by political correctness?
628. How often do you eat potato chips?
629. do you get annoyed by you brothers and sisters?
630. What color is your room?
631. Will this quiz ever end?
632. would you zig or would you zag?
633. Pretzels or potato chips?
634. has your mom or dad ever said “I told you so”?
635. Do you sound like your parents and say some of the things they say?
636. Have you ever played battleship?
637. Did they sing your battleship?
638. what was the longest monopoly game you ever played?
639. Cool breeze or a hot wind?
640. Lemonade or Chocolate milk?
641. Have you ever cut through some ones yard?
642. Have you ever hit an old person on your bike?
643. Ever ridden your bike in the snow?
644. Have you ever one any contests?
645. Are you sick of answering these questions?
646. how old is your cat / dog?
647. Do you have any fish?
648. Can you eat them?
649. Who feeds your fish?
650. What is the biggest fish you own?
651. Do you like sea food?
652. How many time do you fill up your plate at an all you can eat restaurant?
653. Have you ever had a tummy ache?
654. Have you ever been Hospitalized for the flew?
655. How long where you there/
656. Ever had any major surgery?
657. Have you ever made a nurse cry?
658. Have you been woken up by a nurse so she could give you a sleeping pill?
659. Have you ever seen a live birth before?
660.What is the grossest thing you ever saw?
661. Have you ever pulled a girls hair?
662. Have you ever played golf?
663. Ever been hit by a golf ball?
664. Have you been to the ocean?
665. Have you ever dissected a frog?
666. Do you save your pickle juice after the last pickle is gone?
667. Have you ever drunk out of the carton?
668. Do your feet smell?
669. Does your nose run?
670. Don’t you think you should catch your nose if it’s running?
671. Wow did you know this is a long quiz?
672. Can you stand doing this anymore?
673. How many stripes are on the American flag?
674. What year was the American civil war?
675. Who did we fight?
676. When did we land on the moon?
677. Do you think time travel is possible?
678. do you have any extra toes or fingers?
679. How many times do you sneeze a day?
680. do you have any allergies?
681. Do you like getting mail?
682. Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
683. What are they?
684. Have you ever ordered something and not paid for it?
685. Do you eat junk food on a regular basis?
686. Do you collect stamps?
687. Do you have any baseball cards?
688. have you ever read a comic book?
689. Do you know who Albert Einstein is?
690. What was he famous for?
691. When was the Atomic bomb invented?
692. What country invented it?
693. Have you ever seen the show myth busters?
694. Have you ever crashed a car on purpose?
695. Have you ever been spit on?
696. Have you ever spit on anyone?
697. Have you ever shaved your hair off?
698. Have you ever used a pen to doodle on yourself?
699. Do you have all of your teeth?
700. Ever lost a tooth in a fight?
701. Do you have big feet?
702. Have you ever been in a fight?
703. What color is your avi’s Eyes?
704. do you collect bottle caps?
705. do you like marshmallows?
706. Do you like waffles?
707. Did you know you are on question 700?
708. Do you like pancakes?
709. Do you like French toast?
710. Do you like mints?
711. Have you ever thrown a rock through a window?
712. have you ever been arrested by the cops?
713. Have you ever pissed off a cop?
714. Have you ever gotten out of a ticket by making the cop laugh?
715. Sandals or boots?
716. Do you have a pogo stick?
717. have you ever played soccer?
718. Do you like angels?
719. Do you like demons?
720. Do you like mustard?
721. How many TVs do you have in your home?
722. have you ever peed on your self?
723. Do you honk when you blow your nose?
724. have you ever broken your nose?
725. are you bald?
726. do you have long hair?
727. Have you ever done a belly flop?
728. do you use hand lotion?
729. how many tokens have you ever had?
730. do you buy your tickets at the market place?
731. Have you ever used them at prize and joy?
732. Have you ever eaten military rations?
733. Have you ever shot a gun?
734. Did you ever build a go cart?
735. Do you own a sword?
736. how many people do you know?
737. Have you ever seen a vet?
738. Do you know sign language?
739. Do you speak more than one language?
740. can you do Chinese arithmetic?
741. Can you read Latin?
742. Are you some kind of genius if you can do the previous two questions?
743. If you are a genius why are you on Gaia?
744. Do you play with marbles?
745. Do you have any Legos?
746. How many do you have?
747. Do you buy the sets or just the blocks?
748. Have you ever seen the USS Constitution?
749. Have you ever been to the Smithsonian institute?
750. Did you have fun there?
751. Are you a nerd?
752. do you or anyone you know play dungeons and dragons?
753. Did you know Vin Diesel plays D & D?
754. Do you know who Vin Diesel is?
755. Have you ever lost your D &D Character because you made a stupid decision?
756. Have you been to the movies in the past week?
757. What did you see?
758. Did you like it?
759. who was your favorite character?
760. Did you get popcorn?
761. Have you ever been to a bar?
762. Have you ever played pool?
763. Have you been to Yellow Stone National Park?
764. Ever eat a raw egg?
765. Ever eaten raw beef?
766. Have you ever drunk blood?
767. Dot you drink soda?
768. How many glasses of water do you drink in a day?
769. Did you know my wrist hurts from typing these questions?
770. Does yours hurt from typing the answers?
771. Do you like spinach?
772. Have you ever mixed all of the fountain drinks together at a fast food place?
773. Do you have a convenience store within a block of your home?
774. How often do you go there?
775. What do you buy the most there?
776. what is your favorite candy bar?
777. Have you ever eaten Vienna sausages?
778. Do you like sardines?
779. Did you know they come in tomato sauce?
780. have you ever eaten cardboard?
781. do you like the taste of envelope glue?
782. have you ever fallen off of your roof?
783. Do you know how to use a barbecue?
784. how many toes does a bat have?
785. Do you think you could answer this many questions?
786. Can you count by threes?
787. Do you hate being interrupted?
788. Have you ever eaten a raw hot dog?
789. Have you ever sat on an ant hill?
790. did they get in your pants?
791. Ever piss off a bee hive?
792. Have you ever tripped anyone?
793. Do you snore at night?
794. Have you ever shot a noodle out of your nose?
795. Have you cut your own hair?
796. How many pimples does your big brother / sister have?
797. Does their face look like the surface of the moon?
798. Are you sure you're/you're not a newb?
799. Do you have a Doll / action figure collection?
800. Are you aware that this is a long quiz?
801. Have you ever fed you dog peanut butter?
802. Did you laugh so hard you cried?
803. Ever burn you hair?
804. Have you ever spray painted graffiti?
805. Do you have matching socks?
806. Do you dust your house?
807. Have you ever been electrocuted?
808. Have you ever fried a computer?
809. Have you lost something very important to you?
810. Do you think you will get you 50k when you’re done?
811.Do squeaky toys annoy you?
812. Ever do bad things to a stuffed monkey?
813. Have you used the power windows of a car to break a siblings toys?
814. Do you think these questions are just random nonsense?
815.Does your toilet have a ring around it?
816. Have you ever plugged your toilet with a toy?
817. Do you use half a roll of toilet paper when you’re done?
818. How many rocks do you have?
819. Do you own any bugs?
820. Have you ever eaten a stale Twinkie?
821. Have you ever taken revenge on someone for stealing your boy / girl friend?
822. Have you thrown up on a fair ride?
823. have you sneezed on anyone?
824. Have you ever hit yourself with a pool stick?
825. have you ever slapped Jell-O?
826. Have you ever sucked Jell-O up your nose?
827. Have you put peanut butter under a car door handle?
828. Do you have toe jam?
829. Do you channel surf during commercials?
830. Does it bug the other people watching TV with you?
831. Do you squeeze the Charmin?
832. Is your face dirty?
833. can you touch your nose with your tongue?
834. Can you wiggle your ears?
835. Can you touch your nose with your big toe?
836. Can you put your foot behind your head?
837. Can you bench press 500 pounds?
838. Can you rebuild an engine?
839. Can you plan a party?
840. Have you ever done both on the same day?
841. Do you have an annoying friend?
842. Have you ever played Pac man?
843. Have you ever farted and blamed it on the dog?
844. Do you disrupt class for no reason?
845. Do you know how to get grass stains out of your pants?
846. Can you tell the difference between a USB port and a PS2 port?
847. How many games do you have installed on your computer right now?
848. Have you ever upgraded your computer just so you could play a new game?
849. Are you still using windows 98?
850. Why haven’t you upgraded yet?
851. Do you like birds?
852. Have you ever shaved your head?
853. Do you have any gray hair?
854. Do you believe in aliens?
855. Do you have a Phaser?
856. Would you like to own a real light saber?
857. Do you play in the tub?
858. do you wash your hair first or last?
859. What color is your bathroom floor?
860. Tile or rug floor?
861. How many bathrooms do you have?
862. How many innings are there in a baseball game?
863. What is PAR?
864. Do you know how to make a FRIP NORP?
865. Do you know what a FRIP NORP is?
866. Neither do I, so why did I ask you?
867. Better yet why did you answer if you didn’t know?
868. How many ants does it take to screw in a light bulb?
869. Have you ever been bitten by a snake?
870. Did it hurt?
871. Was it poisonous?
872. What color was it?
873. Is this number cool looking?
874. What number comes before 999?
875. Can you play a banjo?
876. Do you have any red neck friends?
877. Finish this sentence: You might be a red neck if…
878. How many cars do you own?
879. Have you ever been tackled by a love struck girl / boy?
880. Have you ever got you tongue frozen to the swing set?
881. Have you had a brain freeze?
882. Can you eat a gallon of ice cream by yourself?
883. Have you ever seen Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? (if so, original or newer one?)
884. Does your TV have a V chip?
885. Guess what, you are on question 900 what are you going to do now?
886. How many do you have left to go?
887. What color are your teeth?
888. How many cavities do you have?
889. When was the last time you went to the dentist?
890. Do you have ear hair?
891. Is that gross?
892. are they gray?
893. Do you have a beauty mark?
894. Do you like crackers?
895. Did you have Pea green soup for breakfast?
896. Did you have pea green soup for lunch?
897. Did you have pea green soup for dinner?
898. Did you pea green soup all night?
899. What is your favorite cheese?
900. What is your favorite dish for thanksgiving?
901. Do you have a Nintendo game boy?
902. What color is it?
903. How many games do you have for it?
904. What color is Garfield?
905. What is the dog’s name in Garfield?
906. Who is Garfield’s owner?
907. Have you ever vacuumed the cat?
908. Do you like to pull weeds?
909. Have you painted a house?
910. Can you use a power saw?
911. Do you like to go to the hardware store?
912. Do you play piano?
913. What can you play?
914. Who is Mozart?
915. Where is Rome?
916. Are you smarter than a fifth grader?
917. What is the equator?
918. Where is the North Pole?
919. What color is it?
920. have you ever seen it?
921. So how do you know what color it is?
922. Did you know there is no pole at the pole?
923. Do you believe in Santa Claus?
924. Do you like kids?
925. What continent is Brazil on?
926. what country is north of the United States?
927. Who was Adolph Hitler?
928. Who was Winston Church hill?
929. Do you know where your mom is?
930. Do you believe that dinosaurs lived on earth?
931. Do you know what an AK-47 is?
932. How many TV stations do you have?
933. How many do you actually watch?
934. Do you pay a lot for all those channels?
935. Cable or satellite?
936. How many pairs of jeans do you own?
937. Do you like robots or androids better, or neither? XD
938. Can you do Algebra?
939. What is the longest book you ever read?
940. How many pages can you read in an hour?
941. Have you ever seen a UFO or even believe in them for that matter?
942. Do you tan or burn?
943. Where is Texas?
944. Do you like school lunches?
945. Do you like your teachers?, (if you have any if not boss, or etc.)
946. Do you want this quiz to end?
947. Would you quit now if you got 50k on this question or would you finish the quiz?
948. Do you have an old transformer?
949. How many do you have?
950. Do you like pigs?
951. Have you ever kicked a chicken?
952. Do you know what mutton chops are?
953. What is hagus?
954. How many days are in a leap year?
955. Have you ever heard of nannites?
956. What is a bio machine?
957. Does your school have a cool mascot?
958. What are your school colors?
959. Do you have any posters in your room?
960. Who is Jimmy Neutron?
961. Have you seen the Grand Canyon?
962. Where is it?
963. Do you like camping?
964. Have you ever taken a road trip across the country?
965. How far can you drive in one day?
966. Ever been on a cruise?
967. When did the Titanic sink?
968. Have you played in the rain?
969. Was the rain cold or warm?
970. What is you favorite pie?
971. Do you like Jam?
972. Do you have a sleeping bag?
973. Can you navigate using a compass?
974. How long did you think this was going to be?
975. Did you know you are down to the last 10 questions?
976. Do you still have your toys from your childhood?
977. How many DVDs do you own?
978. Is your room clean?
979. Have you forgotten your shores to do this quiz?
980. Are you aware that there is only five questions left?
981 .How do you think you did?
982. could you imagine it would take this long?
983. Did you know you were almost done?
984. Did you know you have one question left on this quiz?
985. Are you glad this is almost over?
986. Did you know it's almost official that this is the longest quiz on gaia?
987. Have you broken any rules while doing this quiz?
988. Have you ever finished any other quiz before?
989. Do you think this is the longest quiz in gaia's history?
990. Do you know the first 5 numbers of pi?
991. What's the difference between pi and pie?
992. Ever entered a dream avi contest?
993. Ever finished a quiz this long before?
994. About how long did it take you to get this far?
995. Any of your friends online?
996. Did you make a lot of gold?
997. About how much gold did you make from this quiz?
998. Do you think anyone will ever make a quiz longer then this one?
999. Did this take you a long time to finish?
1000. Do you know how much you weigh?
1001. How many cars do you have?
1002. Do you own a pool?
1003. Do you live in an apartment?
1004. Do you live in a shack?
1005. Do you play pool?
1006. Ever won a contest before?
1007. Do you think you could've came up with this many questions?
1008. Which question in this quiz was your favorite?
1009. Can you imagine anyone finishing this quiz?
1010. Are you rich now that you've almost finished this quiz?
1011. Did this quiz help you get any of your dream items?
1012. Do you have a journal on gaia?
1013. Do you have a diary?
1014. Do you think I'm being nosy?
1015. Do you believe in magic, aliens, ghosts, etc.?
1016. Has anyone ever robbed/broken into your house?
1017. Did you go crazy while doing this quiz?
1018. Was it worth it doing this quiz?
1019. Was the quiz fun?
1020. Would you suggest this quiz to other people to do?
1021. Did you earn a lot of gold?
1022. How much gold do you have now?
1023. Would you have liked to get more?
1024. Was this quiz worth doing?
1025. Did you know this is a newer question?
1026. Doesn't it seem like this quiz keeps going on and on?
1027. Would you like to stop doing this quiz at this point?
1028. I'm glad your continuing on, so why are you bothering to finish this quiz?
1029. Halo 3 or Call of Duty 4?
1030. PS3 or XBOX 360?
1031. WII or PSP?
1032. Ever heard of the site called Runescape?
1033. If you answered no on the last one just leave the answer to this one blank, Do you have an account on the website?
1034. Have you ever been electrocuted?
1035. What's the last movie you saw?
1036. When was the last time you cried?
1037. In your opinion does peeling onions really make you cry?
1038. Did you realize this quiz has gotten longer?
1039. Are you starting to wish you never started this quiz?
1040. Have you ever watched the show Myth busters?
1041. What is one myth you would like to test out yourself?
1042. If you could be someone for 1 day who would it be?
1043. Do you hate it when people park in handy-capped spots and aren't really handy-capped?
1044. Are you on of the people who aren't handy-capped but park in the spots?
1045. Do you think driving and talking on your cells (excluding hands free and Bluetooth) should be illegal?
1046. If you were president what would be the first thing you would do?
1047. When you were little what job did you want?
1048. What number of questions would you like this quiz to have?
1049.how many have you answered?
1050.how many truth fully?
1051.do you like bugs?
1052.have you ever eaten a bug?
1053.are you happy?
154.are you annoyed yet?
1055.is this the longest quiz you have ever done?
1056.you sure?
1058.do you like quizzes?
1059.do they make you bored?
1060.are you bored?
1061.do you know how many are left?
1062.do you like long quizzes?
1063.you sure?
1064.if it was the only thing you could do in life would you kill your self?
1065.have you ever gone emo?
1066.are you emo?
1067.have you ever thought of killing your self?
1068.are you telling the truth?
1069.is this quiz long?
1070.you sure?
1071.do you run?
1072.have you ever run?
1073.do you like to run?
1074.cheese or potato?
1075.if you could bring one thing out of a fire that you own, what would it be?
1076.do rapist scare you?
1077.have you ever done something so terrible, that you hated yourself?
1079.you sure about that?
1080.did you know your almost done?
1081.you did?
1082.how many questions are in this quiz?
1083.you are positive?
1085.do you like computers?
1086.have you ever been on a computer?
1087.are you on a computer?
1089.do you like Gaia online?
1090.have you ever played Gaia online?
1091.are you playing Gaia online?
1092.you sure?
1093.are you happy you are almost done?
1094.are you sad?
1095.do you think this was enough questions?
1096.should I add more next time?
1097.is this a long quiz?
1099.are you almost done?
Posted by: kuraiXkurri Tue Feb 17, 2009 @ 03:59pm 0 comments [add]
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I'm liberty i like to be stylish and mostly everything .
so thats my life but mostly i get in trouble from my mother. she doesn't want me to be lazy and other stuff thats bad for me
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