crying Why do people make life so hard? Or is it me who just can't for some reason find happiness? Today I came into reality and realized that the boy of my dreams will never date me simply because people are spreading rumors about me. Anybody reading this, this question is for you: Just because I'm quiet in some of my classes does that mean you can judge a person just by what they are wearing or how they act? Well whatever...I act as if I don't care but deep inside I'm crying my heart out. It hurts when you are sitting in the front of the class so that everyone can see you, and there he is sitting somewhere behind me where i can hear his conversation. His friend went on and on why he should not ask me out. I just wondering Isn't that the meanest thing any person could ever do to you. And he constantly repeat "I don't care about that!" When I heard that my heart came back together. At my school since i'm quiet and perfer to keep to myself people think that i am the most stuck-up person on earth and that the way i be dressing is too much ! Can you believe! My life goal is to become a fashion designer! What the hell am I supposed to dress up like a damn pig! If people took the time to get to know me they would find out that i'm the nicest person in that hell on earth! I hate people who are just so judgemental. t bugs me. Sometimes people like above i've thought of turning around and shooting him in the middle of his forehead and decided not to because that is not what i want to be known for: THE CRAZY GIRL WHO WENT ON A SHOOTING RAMPAGE. crying
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