I'm Don't Want To Hide Anymore
I'm desperate to tell my parents
About him...
I can't keep lying to them that I'm going to my friends house when I'm with someone else
It may be just me thinking
But I need other people's thoughts
I know not many of you might care...
But for those who do...
Thank you
Well, I've been going out with him for a while
Like almost a month
And none of parents no any of this
Maybe my brother and the other older adults that are close to me know
But I want to tell them that I go out with him
I don't want to keep lying
And in the end I have to break up with him
It would hurt me the most.. and especially him
I don't know what to do anymore
Either to tell them or not let them find out at all
I was thinking that I wanted to tell them at the right time
But see, I don't know when that is
When it's like a happy day or just any random day
I was thinking telling them on a happy day
But I have no idea when that is
I don't want to hide him
I'm proud that he is my boyfriend
And there is nothing that can stop me from loving him
Other than my parents...
But do people really think that parents have the right to stop me from loving him
I know I might go overboard with this
But I wanna let them know
That I have someone that can take care of me with all his heart
He makes me feel different than other people do
He makes me laugh like I can't laugh anymore
He wants to protect me no matter what it is
He wants to keep me safe in his arms
He wishes to be here with me all the time I'm away from him
He makes me smile bigger every day
There are so many things that he makes me feel and want to do.. (not like that)
These are the reasons why I want to tell my parents
I can't keep making excuses not to see him
It's like a whole side of me is hiding
And I don't want that at all
But I have no idea how to tell them
I need help!!!
I'm in love...
What is there for me to do?!

I'm desperate to tell my parents
About him...
I can't keep lying to them that I'm going to my friends house when I'm with someone else
It may be just me thinking
But I need other people's thoughts
I know not many of you might care...
But for those who do...
Thank you
Well, I've been going out with him for a while
Like almost a month
And none of parents no any of this
Maybe my brother and the other older adults that are close to me know
But I want to tell them that I go out with him
I don't want to keep lying
And in the end I have to break up with him
It would hurt me the most.. and especially him
I don't know what to do anymore
Either to tell them or not let them find out at all
I was thinking that I wanted to tell them at the right time
But see, I don't know when that is
When it's like a happy day or just any random day
I was thinking telling them on a happy day
But I have no idea when that is
I don't want to hide him
I'm proud that he is my boyfriend
And there is nothing that can stop me from loving him
Other than my parents...
But do people really think that parents have the right to stop me from loving him
I know I might go overboard with this
But I wanna let them know
That I have someone that can take care of me with all his heart
He makes me feel different than other people do
He makes me laugh like I can't laugh anymore
He wants to protect me no matter what it is
He wants to keep me safe in his arms
He wishes to be here with me all the time I'm away from him
He makes me smile bigger every day
There are so many things that he makes me feel and want to do.. (not like that)
These are the reasons why I want to tell my parents
I can't keep making excuses not to see him
It's like a whole side of me is hiding
And I don't want that at all
But I have no idea how to tell them
I need help!!!
I'm in love...
What is there for me to do?!