Lugie is my student whom I foresee as one of that person who hail from a poor family but come out to be successful in their chosen career because of the qualities they possess.
Believing in his favorite quotation that states “Poverty is not the hindrance to success”, he comes to school early. He never misses or comes late to his class. He never leaves a problem until he could find a best solution and above all he was raised as a disciplined son by his parents as what he show to me as his teacher and adviser.
Just recently, I witnessed him crying because somebody hit his back and cause much pain during his training for a lemon time competition but I never heard him complaining or murmuring, he never say a word instead he continue to master his figure and doesn't mind who hit him. When the music stop, he came near to that classmate. I thought he will box him but upon seeing Lugie, his classmate asked sorry and right away he forgave him and they laugh together as they continue the practice though he still feel the pain. They come up First Place during the contest.
In that particular situation, I concluded that Lugie is a determined student. No matter what, he can show to the world his best but this can be only materialized if there's someone who will help and sponsor him in the fulfillment of his destiny and for him to prove his worth as an intelligent, hardworking, patient, can be trusted
Ana S. Andrada
3rd Yr. Adviser