“I’m sorry. Am I interrupting something?” She asked. How could she be so polite when he was literally ripping her heart out as they stood there? Didn’t she realize yet he didn’t love her. “Oh, Melissa. Feeling better?” Jordan asked. “Yes.” She replied. “Um…was I interrupting something?” “Who‘s she, Jordan?” the girl asked. “Ryann, this is Melissa, and Melissa…this is Ryann…my girlfriend.” Jordan said. It had hit her It had hit her…the word girlfriend wall all it took. She didn’t understand though. She was supposed to be his girl not this other girl. “Melissa, is something wrong?” Jordan asked her. Of course something was wrong you twit. You had hurt her. Crushed her…when the angel had done nothing to you. “No.” Melissa chocked. Her voice was cracking. Her tears would not hold back for long….or another second. “Meli-” Jordan started. But she couldn’t take it anymore. She was suddenly running, and as she ran she forgot about her surroundings and slammed into someone falling to the ground. She looked up to see her friend Anastasia looking at her. “Melissa, what’s wrong?” She asked taking immediate notice to her tears. She didn’t answer. I could tell she couldn’t get the image of what had just happened out of her head. Her friend seemed to look like she knew what was wrong…but she didn’t want to jump to conclusions just yet. “Come on,” She said “I’ll get you a drink and we can talk about it.” Anastasia led them back to the Sea Shanty, a little inn that wasn’t to far from Port Gambino. I watched from a shadowy window. Anastasia led Melissa up to the counter to get some drinks. As it appeared Melissa was unwilling to do much Ana practically had to drag her around.
Once they had received there drinks Ana once again dragged Melissa, who was still crying a little but more silently, by the hand and dragged her to a table. “Why were you running?” She asked as they sat down. Melissa practically slammed her head into the table not giving a damn if it hurt. She looked into her cup of tea, and at her reflection in the liquid. “I needed to see you,” She said wiping her tears away. “It’s about Jordan.” she said. She looked up slightly, but then looked back down at her cup, where he hands sat trembling around the cup. “I thought so. Did he dump you?” Anastasia asked. She caught on to things quick. Even a Sea-Witch in training could do that. The word dumb was all it took to start Melissa’s tears again (a fitting name for her). I didn’t like seeing the angel weep. The angel shouldn’t weep. It was wrong. “No, much worse. He was being with another women, behind my back and too my face.” She said. She looked like she was starting to boil with anger towards Jordan rather then crying.

“Well…it’s kind of a long story.” She said. “I’ve got nothing better to do.” She said ever so softly. “Hell it might help me get my mind off of…” She trailed off. She couldn’t bear to say his name.. She didn’t need to think about him. She would have me soon. “Just tell me.” She told Anastasia. Ana broke into a story and told her everything. About an excursion on the sea-floor, the two eels she found, a miraculous operation she had performed with Flotsam’s help. “So you’re saying, you have Ursula’s henchmen under narcotics and they’re asleep in your grotto right now?!” She finally said when Ana had finished. “Yes. That’s basically it. They were in pretty bad shape when I found them, so I’m guessing they’re her ex-henchmen, or hencheels, or whatever they are. But that’s not even the weirdest part.” She looked at her friend Anastasia. “What is the weirdest part?” She asked. She sounded very depressed. And she was doing her best not to show it. But she had a feeling Ana was seeing right through it. “They look like humans.” She said. Melissa spit her drink out of her mouth. “HUMANS!” She exclaimed. “WHAT THE ********!” She yelled. With her last sentence it was like Melissa’s depression and vanished completely. And she was distracted from everything…she didn’t even seem to notice that she was being watched sense the second Jordan had hurt her by me. Being watched…by an angel of the strangest sorts.

To be continued in chapter 36...