Just venting...
I'm really sick. I've been sick since like Monday. My throat hurts really bad and my nose is all stuffed up. It's funny because the weather here has finally started to warm up, and when it's all nice outside, I get sick. >< Explain that to me. It makes no sense at all. But on top of the whole being sick thing, people in my family are talking about me. And none of it is anything good. It's all bad and rumor-y stuff and I'm tired of it. I stayed home today because I was too sick for school and sick of school and my mom told me about all of it. Then I went into the bathroom and stayed in there for like an hour and a half talking to no one about all of this stuff. It's really lame and really childish and I feel like a pansy but I don't really know what I'm supposed to do. And to make matters worse all is not so well in the happy happy land of "Teenage Love." I have no idea what's going on. It's like everything is suddenly deciding to slowly crumble beneath my feet. I don't know what to do and I'm frustrated and just fed up with all of this. Today was the first time in a while that I actually wished I lived in South Carolina again. I mean sure I miss it there a lot and I miss everyone there, but after I got "settled" here I was kinda like "Eh this isnt that bad..." But today I seriously wished I was there instead of here. Because if I was there I wouldn't be going through all of this. I would be a happy little Knight on Spring Break. But here I'm a sickly stepped on Hornet who wants nothing more then to crawl under a rock and sleep forever. Someone directed me to the nearest cliff so I can jump off of it...
I'm really sick. I've been sick since like Monday. My throat hurts really bad and my nose is all stuffed up. It's funny because the weather here has finally started to warm up, and when it's all nice outside, I get sick. >< Explain that to me. It makes no sense at all. But on top of the whole being sick thing, people in my family are talking about me. And none of it is anything good. It's all bad and rumor-y stuff and I'm tired of it. I stayed home today because I was too sick for school and sick of school and my mom told me about all of it. Then I went into the bathroom and stayed in there for like an hour and a half talking to no one about all of this stuff. It's really lame and really childish and I feel like a pansy but I don't really know what I'm supposed to do. And to make matters worse all is not so well in the happy happy land of "Teenage Love." I have no idea what's going on. It's like everything is suddenly deciding to slowly crumble beneath my feet. I don't know what to do and I'm frustrated and just fed up with all of this. Today was the first time in a while that I actually wished I lived in South Carolina again. I mean sure I miss it there a lot and I miss everyone there, but after I got "settled" here I was kinda like "Eh this isnt that bad..." But today I seriously wished I was there instead of here. Because if I was there I wouldn't be going through all of this. I would be a happy little Knight on Spring Break. But here I'm a sickly stepped on Hornet who wants nothing more then to crawl under a rock and sleep forever. Someone directed me to the nearest cliff so I can jump off of it...