Princss Paton was sitting quietly at the pool. She softly splashed her feet in the pool. She leaded back on her wrists and looked around the garden. She wondered what her family had been doing all morning and why she couldn't be involved. There was a war being waged and Paton's life had been threatened many times.Her parents were worried that they would lose the war at the cost of their daughters life. Her older brother had decided to fight in the war to help make sure nothing would happen to Paton. She was 16 and soon turning 17, She thought she was capable to fight back in the war. She was just as skilled as her brother but her father wouldn't have it. She was his little girl and he never let her out of his sight or off of the castle grounds by herself. No guards were around her like they were suppose to be. She Smiled softly looking up at the sky. She thought about all of the people in her kingdom and how life would be once the war ended and when she became Queen. She thought a lot about who she would marry or if she would even live long enough to get married. She looked at the gates to the garden as she heard a loud crash like noise. She heard a few people scream. Soon men broke through the gate and grabbed her. She tried to scream but everything just went black.
Dr. Heart had just finished with one of her patients. She sat at her desk tired from a long day of work. She was finishing up some paper work. Some new interns would be coming soon.She would have to train one and she really wasn't looking forward to it. She was one of the best doctors in the city and she often went from one hospital to another.Her new intern would have to go with her everywhere she went when it involved work. She sighed as an announcement came over the loud speakers asking all of the doctors that would be teaching a intern to come to the lobby. She stood and forced herself to walk to the lobby. Most of the interns were men. The other doctors picked the people they wanted as there intern till there was just one man left standing. She looked at him and sighed. "Follow me." She said heading back to her office to wait for her next patient.
Sam and her family had just moved to a new town. She was excited to be finally moving. She would be starting at a new high school. She was a sophomore. Her family was very rich. School wouldn't be starting for a few weeks. She decided once she finished unpacking she she went out to look around the town and possibly look at the high school. She walked a a normal pace listening to her Ipod, looking at the passing cars and other walking people. She saw many teenagers skateboarding and walking that looked about her age and that would probably be going to the same high school. pretty soon She came across the school she would soon be attending. She looked through the gates at the large school. She sighed softly before walking to the store down the street to get something to drink. She paid for a soda and head down to the peer. Once she arrived she looked at the water and sat on a bench and sighed softly.