1. I need :
~Maria: Sleep x_x
~Eunice: brain power >:d
2. Sex :
~Maria: Future!! (*wink wink* ;3)

look what it did to my ramen D<
3. Dating :
~Maria: Complicated Dx
~Eunice: no thanks :d
4. Your Last Ex:
~Maria: Okay xD
~Eunice: never had one, oh hohohohohoho~! XD
5. Power :
~Maria: Flyy!!
~Eunice: I want powers to have powers >:d
6. Marijuana:
~Maria: NO! *pimp slaps*
~Eunice: *gags* x__x
7. Crack :
~Maria: NOOOO!! *still pimp slaps*
~Eunice: ORANGE PEELS!!!
8. Food :
~Maria: Cookies *w*
~Eunice: people (=w=)b
9. The President :
~Eunice: llama
biggrin 10. War :
~Maria: Bllood. x3
~Eunice: WAR!
11. Car :
~Maria: Soon?
~Eunice: crazy taxi time, oh yes Xd
12. Gas Prices :
~Eunice: I'm going GREEN! (lol jk i need transportation ;__; )
13. Halloween :
~Maria: Butlers
biggrin ~Eunice: cannibals ~(>w<
wink ~
14. Politics :
~Maria: Boring o3o
~Eunice: OBJECTI- oh wait, wrong place....
15. Religion :
~Maria: Yesh~
biggrin lol beware
17. MySpace :
~Maria: Bored Dx
~Eunice: GET OUT OF "MY SPACE" (or bubble ;D)
18. Worst Fear:
~Maria: =[
~Eunice: worst fear is fear itself......and spiders o3o
19. Marriage :
~Maria: someday?
~Eunice: *gast* BIG GAINT WEDDING CAKES *attack*
20. Fashion :
~Maria: ImmaBoy!
~Eunice: wearing the same thing, being conservative (and poor)
21. Brunettes :
~Maria: Brown!
~Eunice: are the new blondes lol :d
22. Redheads :
~Maria: Red!
~Eunice: the weasly family (heck yeah! they can kick the cullen's a** anytime cause they're so bamf!)
23: Work:
~Maria: TIRED!
~Eunice: planning to take over the world......
24: Pass the time :
~Maria: Sleep :p
~Eunice: eating peop- I mean food.....food.....
24: Football :
~Maria: TACKLE!
~Eunice: 14,22,13,35,1023894774356287361927409817234837!!! HIKE!
25. One night stands :
~Maria: prostitution? O-o
~Eunice: what?
26: Pet Peeve :
~Maria: Liars =[
~Eunice: who???
27: Pixie Stix :
~Maria: Yummeh~
~Eunice: SUGAR!!!
28: Vanilla Ice :
~Maria: yum~

(lol it has nothing to do with this)
29: Porta Potties:
~Maria: Crocodiles!

Tails is not amused...
30: High school :
~Maria: fun~!
~Eunice: bleh.....
32. Pajamas :
~Maria: Comfy~
~Eunice: FRUIT BOXERS XD lol
33. Wood :
~Maria: Munchy!
~Eunice: pssh, they're for squares (lol jk)
34. Surfers :
~Maria: DOODD!!
~Eunice: like, totally, raaaaadddiiiccaaallll XD