Mother . . .
What is it, Argo?
Can I ask you something?
Of course.
Did I have a father?
Yes, you do have a father.
Then where is he?
He passed away a long time ago, when you were still a newborn.
Do you know what happened to him? What was he like? What did he do for a living? How did you two meet up?
It's alright, Argo. I'll tell you everything. . . Your father was a tallented sailor who travelled the oceans and was an exceptional fisherman. One day, I met your father at the shorelines of Terra's Cliffs while I was fishing for pearls. He wanted to try to fish out some oysters, but he was terrible at holding his breath. Eventually, he came by every day to greet me and I was able to welcome him after he came back from a long voyage. As time went by we became closer and closer and we were able to marry. Then I was able to have you, Argo.
Wow. . . so, how did father. . .
It was a month after you were born. Your father was asked by the former Lord of Meridianna to go on a voyage to the Eastern Continent. He could not disagree with his lord, so he left with a mighty fleet and set out. Another month went by without a word from the fleet. A dilapidated ship entered the harbour that fateful day. It was one of the ships that were part of the fleet that your father sent out with. With you in my arms, I hurried to the harbour and met up with the crew. With sadened eyes, they told me that the fleet was swept away in a typhoon that destroyed all the other ships, except for theirs. They rescued as many sailors as they could, but your father was not among them.
Father. . . I never got the. . . chance to meet him.
Do not cry, sweetheart. Even though you father is no longer alive, as long as you do not forget him, he will always be alive inside your heart. He wanted to make sure that you grow up to be a good and kind man. I think, in more ways than one, that he is watching over you. You are his only son, after all.
Yes. Your father had a good head on his shoulders. He believed that whenever one helps out another in a dire situation, they will be rewarded with something unforgetable. That is why you must always be kind to those around you and to always help whoever is in trouble, be they your friends or a stranger. Do you understand, Argo?
I think I do. I promise you, that I will never forget my Father's memory. I will keep his memory alive!
Thank you, Argo. In a way, I don't think he is really gone for good.
What do you mean, Mother?
You may have my blue eyes, but the rest of you comes from your Father. That is why I named you after him.
You mean. . .
Yes, you are Argo Sato II, son of Argo Sato I and Ariel Maylein.
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This is one of the stories that I'm working on. It's a fantasy story that is still in the developmental stage. I hope you enjoy reading my story.
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