Crush Game
Copy, paste, fill out, comment in journal.
[] I want your number
[] Pretty/Cute
[] Hottie
[] Sexy
[] Gorgeous
[] Amazingly Beautiful
[] I'd take you home in a second
[] I'd make out with you right now
[] I'd hit it
[] I dont like you like that
[] I love you
[] Wanna hook up?
Can you see us dating?
[] Yes
[] No
If you could tell me ANYTHING.. what would it be?
How much do I mean to you?
[] A lot
[] Nothing
[] Everything
[] A little
If I asked you to dance with me... would you?
[] Yes
[] No
If I asked you out on a date... would you say yes?
[] Yes
[] No
What would be your reply if I asked you to run away with me? ;] <3
Let's get married?
[] Oh baby, yeah, i'll marry you.
[] You're a wench.
What would you do if you saw me crying?
What would you say if I told you that you meant everything to me?
I ____ you.
You have a nice ______.
You make me _______.
You should _______.
Someday I will ______.
You + me = ________.
If I saw you now I'd __________.
I want to ________ you. ;D
I would build a _______ just for you.
If I could sing you any song it would be ________.
We could __________ under the stars.
(P.S. ______________.)
Would you kiss me?
[] Heck Yea
[] Yes
[] No
[] Maybe
[] already did
Am I attractive?
[] Heck no
[] hot as Heck
[] Fine
[] Cute
[] Okay I think your pretty
[] Sexy
[] Ugly!
Do you think I'm a virgin?
[] Yes
[] No
[] Don't know
Name one thing you would like to do to me...
I look like..
[] A player
[] One time thing
[] Next bf/gf
If you saw me for the first time would you talk to me?
[] Yes
[] No
[] maybe
Would you rather..
[] Hook up with me
[] Cuddle with me
[] Date me
[] Marry me
[] Friends
On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), rate me..
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10
What would you want me to be to you?
[] Friend
[] Girlfriend/Boyfriend
[] Friend with benefits
Other Survey
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Any other drugs?
Would u care if i drank?:
Are you a virgin?:
Do you have sex?:
(if so) How often?:
Is sex all your looking for?:
Would u kiss me anytime?:
Do u like to cuddle?:
how much?:
Have u ever been cheated on?:
Would you cheat on me?:
Have you ever cheated on someone?:
why did u cheat?
List you top 3 bands..
Top 3 movies
Top 3 places you'd take ur date/ do with ur date:
Do you like to party?:
What if i wanted to stay home an watch a movie with you?:
What if i wanted to kiss in the rain?:
Are you spontaneous?:
Willing to try new things?:
Do you like your picture taken?:
would u take pictures with me?:
Do you drive?
Do you have ur own car?
Go to school?:
what grade?
^Would you hold my hand as we walk through the mall?:
or anywhere for that matter?:
would u introduce me to ur friends or be too embarassed?:
ever bring me home to meet the folks?:
Would you push me up against a wall and kiss me?
What about random Kisses?:
Would u sleep over my house and hold me all night?:
Will u only call me beautiful if you mean it?:
Would you ever lie to me?:
would u ever use me for things?:
What do you think of...
Big Dogs?:
Messy rooms?:
Playing in the rain?:
Just hanging out doing nothing?:
Talking on the phone for hours?:
Talking about completely useless and random things for hours?:
Why did u fill this out?:
How bad do u wanna go out with me?:
would u write a song about me if u could?
would you leave me coz im broke?
would u use me for my money?:
would u only date me cuz i'm in a band?:
Would you leave me because I got upset?
do you have a crush on me?
how much do u like me?:
why do u like me?;
what do u see in me?:
would you think bout me 24/7 ?
Anything else u wanna let me know?
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