Gokuderu, Ryouka
The leader of B!iss
That is the name of the most famous gun around the Tokyo area, created for him by a unique gunman
He has roamed the streets with his mafia for eight years
His parents were killed in a gang battle when he was thirteen
Ryouka has turned his ways around and no longer kills for fun
He is in love with Karasu and has an adopted son with her
They are moving to England after a tough battle against Seith and his Boss

B!iss; Current Members
Fuujioushi, Kyte & Yamada, Kuriyou
Kyte is Ryouka's best friend and has known him since they were little
He has no parents and lived with Ryouka in his sister's house
Is remarkable at creating smoke screens and custom-made bullets
He doesn't get along with Alviss who used to be in Ryouka's old gang
Kyte's real name was Issei, but he changed it after he was charged with the murder of his family
He protects Ryouka at all costs and acts as his bodyguard
Kuriyou is a hyper-active bomb wielder
She has a crush on Kohaku of the other gang and gets into trouble a lot
She's from China and came when she ehard about the famous B!iss
Her name came from a Chinese legend her grandfather used to tell her about when she was little
Kuri was raised in a rich family and left when they accused her of selling them out to a mafia leader
She has never been out of Asia

Mesagaru, Alviss
Used to be second-hand man of B!iss
Now works under Karasu
Alviss created B!ast for Karasu and her family when she was younger
He no longer feels he needs to protect Ryouka, but recently he regrouped up with the old members to help him
He hates Kyte for letting Ryouka get so care-free with life
Alviss was tricked into assissting with the death of Ryouka's parents
He never told Ryouka
Is currently going to England with everyone

B!iss; Original Members
Shimaku, Alexander, Kyougu, Haikomei
Shimaku is known as S3V3N
He is one of the most known intelligence reporters around
Hacks easily into just about any system
Shimaku was Ryouka's first understudy when he came into the mafia practices in the world
He killed his wife after she sold him to the government a year after the death of Ryouka's parents
Extremely cat-like in his looks and how he acts
He doesn't believe Karasu and Ryouka should be together
Wants to take Ryouka to England without B!ast
Alexander is the quiet one of the old gang
He is extremely smart and can hot-wire things faster than someone can blink
He is from England originally and used to know Alviss before the two of them joined Ryouka the first time
Weaponry is his specialty
He knows every gun made and how they work
Alex can be extremely scary at times
He was charged with the murder of Ryouka's parents although he wasn't around for it
His twin brother was killed by Seth
Kyougu is very aggressive and short
He is from Korea and doesn't like to be ******** with
He was the third to join with B!iss and was often known as the fire specialist
His bombs created large fires and he often exploded things when the gang went on escapades
Kyou is a prankster and used to make the gang laugh after tough missions they went through
He's younger than all of them although he looks older
Kyougu doesn't want Karasu to leave Ryouka
Haikomei doesn't have a lot of info on her
She was a professor and designed weapons for the gang
Other than that not much is know
What is known is that she used to charm guys so the gang could get in by selling her body or going on cheap dates
Haikomei recently moved to Sweden and has lost contact with everyone